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1353projects close to Río Verde in environment

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Río Verde. But this may be of interest to you.
Minga Reforestation Project

Community, Environment, and Animals

El Chical

The Minga Reforestation Project is a reforestation project in Ecuador in one of the most biodiverse regions of the world. Help to make it really big for the climate and biodiversity!

101 %
CHF 25’450
161 backers
Eco-Park with peace: Amalaka

Agriculture, tourism, and Environment


AMALAKA: Where the tropical heat and the indigenous wisdom come together. Ecotourism, organic farming, alternative energy, culture and sport! For local, national and international visitors!

101 %
EUR 28’250
13 backers
Art et Savoirs pour tous!

Kids / Youth, Environment, and Education


Art et Savoirs pour tous!

by Projets Responsables and Caliki

Oeuvrez vous aussi à l’avenir des enfants en Colombie ! Donnez leur le pinceau qui leur permettra de dessiner leur propre histoire, à travers une éducation artistique, complète et émancipatrice !

121 %
CHF 1’216
20 backers
La Esmeralda à Fribourg

Agriculture, Fair Trade, and Environment

Fribourg and Fusagasugá

Arrivés en juin 2018 sur la Ferme La Esmeralda, à Guavio Bajo (Colombie), Martha et Timothée ont l'intention de convertir leur production de café au Bio et de rendre leur mode de vie plus écologique.

122 %
CHF 6’134
78 backers
Huertas de la Eco-Esperanza

Kids / Youth, Environment, and Education


This project aims to work with five educational institutions to promote Sustainable Development Goal 2, which focuses on achieving zero hunger and enhancing food security

100 %
CHF 3’000
18 backers
Biogasanlage für unter 100$

Agriculture, Technology, and Environment

Guatapé, Basel, and San Rafael

Planung und Umsetzung einer Molkegäranlage zur Produktion von Methangas für 3. Weltländer. Produktionskosten unter 100$. Prototyp soll als Hilfsprojekt in Kolumbien eingesetzt werden.

10 %
CHF 500
4 backers
Nature Reserve in Colombia

Agriculture, Environment, and Education


Nature Reserve in Colombia

by Alice & Andrés

Project to create a nature reserve in the mountains of Colombia. We need your help to acquire and protect this little piece of land!

100 %
CHF 15’505
31 backers
Boca de Shamboyaku

Community and Environment


Boca de Shamboyaku

by Peruhilfe

Wir möchten in der kleinen Gemeinde Boca de Shamboyaku drei Hektar Wald vor der Abholzung bewahren. Die drei Hektar möchten wir der Gemeinde schenken.

1 %
CHF 105
2 backers
Öko Loge Der Wächter

Tourism and Environment


Wir möchten einen 292 Hektar Baum und Wildbestand vor der Abholzung retten. Das Land befindet sich in Tarapoto Peru und wurde von uns kurzfristig gekauft.

0 %
CHF 41
3 backers
Choba Choba – Nativo Project

Food, Fair Trade, and Environment

Bern and Juanjuí

Cacao diversity is at risk today with an industry producing standardized chocolates. Help us to save rare cacao varieties and together we will create the most amazing Swiss chocolates out of them!

175 %
CHF 140’073
1063 backers
Déchets pour la conservation

Community and Environment

Puerto Nariño

Déchets pour la conservation

by Association Yacu world

Collecter tous les déchets non-organiques auprès des communautés locales de Puerto Nariño en Amazonie colombienne pour les transformer en matériaux de construction et ainsi éviter la déforestation.

0 %
0 backers
Empowering Indigenous Women.

Fair Trade, Community, and Environment

Padre Abad

Empowering Indigenous Women.

by BluoVerda Deutschland e.V.

Do you know why the empowerment of indigenous women is so important? Indigenous women have their unique knowledge, which is very useful and effective for sustainable development initiatives.