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1507projects close to Lobitos District in kids / youth
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Kids / Youth, Sport, and Education
Lobitos District
Help us to help Lobitos!
by Ride for the Cause

Community, Kids / Youth, and Tourism
Begegnungszentrum Peruhilfe
by Peruhilfe

Community and Kids / Youth
Solarstrom Begegnungszentrum
by Peruhilfe

Kids / Youth and Literature
Biel/Bienne and Lima
Et où sont les chaussettes?
by Claudia Rua

Community and Kids / Youth
Villa María del Triunfo and Zürich
Ein Dach über dem Kopf
by Ayesha Rether

Community, Kids / Youth, and Sport
Kids-soccer in Colombia
by Jorge Zingg

Kids / Youth, Environment, and Education
Art et Savoirs pour tous!
by Projets Responsables and Caliki

Kids / Youth, art, and Education
Art for Education
by Projets Responsables and Hola Cali

Architecture, Kids / Youth, and Education
San Pedro de Saño District
Ayuda para los niños Junin
by Embolo Foundation

Publishing, Kids / Youth, and Education
Mi Ruta Segura
by Mi Ruta segura

Food, Community, and Kids / Youth
Bakery for the neighborhood
by Simon Porras

Kids / Youth, Environment, and Education
Huertas de la Eco-Esperanza
by Gabriela Buser