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3215projects close to Brazil in music

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Brazil. But this may be of interest to you.
Marcelo Attie & Band - Album


Kirchdorf and Rio de Janeiro

Liebe Familie, Freunde und Fans. Nach sechs spannenden Sommertouren machen wir endlich ein «ALBUM». Um dies zu realisieren, brauchen wir CHF 5’000. Bitte helft uns diesen Traum zu verwirklichen.

8 %
CHF 445
10 backers
Le Brésil enflamme Genève!

Music and Kids / Youth

Geneva and Salvador

Le Brésil enflamme Genève!

by André-Marc Huwyler and Elsa-line Huwyler

Nous sommes une association à but non lucratif suisse ayant pour but de soutenir NEOJIBA, un programme éducatif brésilien qui vise l'intégration sociale à travers la pratique collective de la musique.

110 %
CHF 27’625
70 backers
Musique éducation solidarité

Music, Community, and Education

La Paz

Le Trio Eole souhaite intervenir au sein de la fondation «Bolivia Clasica» à La Paz en Bolivie afin d’y enseigner et d’apporter des instruments de musique ainsi que du matériel.

106 %
CHF 5’342
81 backers
Cultural center in Argentina

Music, Community, and Education

Capilla del Monte

Cultural center in Argentina

by Fio, Hernan, Romi

With your support, we will transform the former «Tiempos» restaurant into a cultural center in Capilla del Monte, Argentina, and provide space for art, culture and social exchange

100 %
CHF 17’651
35 backers
Ich hab' kein Heimatland

Music and Community

Buenos Aires and Chur

Das Projekt der Churer Sängerin Martina Hug entstand im Winter 2016 während ihres Aufenthalts in Buenos Aires. Nun steht eine CD Produktion bevor.

126 %
CHF 7’015
79 backers
Überyou – Southamerica-Tour


Medellín, Buenos Aires, and Havana

This summer we’re gonna be touring through 7 countries in Southamerica – the highlight of our bandhistory! Support us to make this happen and you’ll get great rewards in return, olé

126 %
CHF 12’525
82 backers
Tango Indigo en Argentine


Buenos Aires

L’ensemble TANGO INDIGO est invité en Argentine à représenter Genève et la Suisse lors de la «Cumbre Mundial del Tango» qui se déroulera du 1er au 7 mars 2015 à Zarate-Buenos-Aires.

102 %
CHF 4’100
31 backers
Mizar cultural centre


Mar del Plata

Mizar cultural centre

by MIZAR association

Mizar is a space for musical formation, a centre of events: concerts, festivals, exhibitions. Mizar is a socio-cultural centre for the city, deeply democratic and innovating in the means and methods.

112 %
CHF 5’623
20 backers
laCremalatina de Maracay


Maracay and Mosbach

laCremalatina de Maracay

by Omar Plasencia

Das erste Album einer Reise durch die Welt der Latin-Musik. Ich habe mit den besten Salsa-Musikern von Maracay/Venezuela meine Kompositionen aufgenommen, um sie auf der ganzen Welt erklingen zu lassen

40 %
EUR 1’631
21 backers
Musikvideo – «Latin Lover»

Film and Music

Bogotá, Barcelona, and Berlin

Der Videokünstler Hermes Villena und das Berliner DJ/Live Trio Aroma Pitch suchen finanzielle Unterstützung für ihr erstes Musikvideo zum Track «Latin Lover».

102 %
EUR 1’130
29 backers
Les voy a contar la historia

Film, Music, and Performing Arts

Colombia and Switzerland

Les voy a contar la historia

by Connact / Chasquis

Counting their history through music and thus struggling non-violently for their rights – this is what the farmers of Las Pavas in Colombia are doing. We dedicate them a hommage.

104 %
CHF 9’400
67 backers
The Mirabell Project

Music, Kids / Youth, and Education

Medellín, Bogotá, and Bucaramanga

The Mirabell Project

by The Mirabell Project

Para info en español, click en italiano (I)
5 musicians from Austria travel to Colombia for three weeks to get in touch with local musicians and music lovers via concerts, workshops and masterclasses.