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1063projects close to Gujjadi2 in publishing
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Publishing, Community, and Education
Bengaluru, Lyon, and Graz
The World in 2050
by The World in 2050
Photography and Publishing
Bern and Colombo
Fotoband «Lanka»
by nicolephilipp
Publishing, Community, and Art
Wathuregama and Vienna
20 years «owf» Sri Lanka
by one world foundation
Publishing, architecture, and Community
Hong Kong
Hong Kong In Between 香港之間
by Parallel Lab
Photography, Publishing, and Art
Hong Kong
Parade: Almond Chu
by Almond Chu
Photography and Publishing
Ordos, the stillborn city
by Adrien Golinelli
Publishing and Art
Romantic Emotions in Motion
by Ozkan
Photography, Publishing, and Community
Berlin, Dublin, and Beirut
Book of Community Stories
by femLENS
Games, Publishing, and Literature
It's Your Adventure Gamebook
by Eyal A
Publishing and Art
Cairo and La Chaux-de-Fonds
by Madeleine Jaccard
Publishing and Technology
Kotlin for everyone
by Anton
Photography and Publishing
Shanghigh – Love Hate Punk
by Martina Strul