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1041projects close to Tomsk in publishing

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Kotlin for everyone

Publishing and Technology


This project is about a new practical book for Kotlin, a beautiful programming language to boost your career in IT, business and rise your creativity.

0 %
0 backers
Ordos, the stillborn city

Photography and Publishing


Ordos, the stillborn city

by Adrien Golinelli

The world’s biggest new city, Ordos, is under construction in the desert of northern China. It has everything fancier than the others, but still lacks the most essential: its people.

166 %
CHF 13’302
66 backers
A Book about Desire

Exhibition, Publishing, and Environment

Zurich and New Delhi

A Book about Desire

by Raphael Perret

This publication documents «Recycling Yantra», an art project portraying the informal e-waste recycling network in Delhi and lets a diverse group of authors share their views on the situation.

105 %
CHF 5’790
52 backers
Schlaf gut! – Ein Kinderbuch

Publishing, Kids / Youth, and Literature

Tbilisi and Basel

Kinder brauchen schöne Bücher! Wir haben ein besonderes Buch in Georgien gefunden und wollen es zweisprachig herausgeben. Eine gewinnende Geschichte und ein Zeichen für den interkulturellen Dialog.

107 %
CHF 3’574
45 backers
Through Swedens wild side

Publishing and Environment


Through Swedens wild side

by Fabienne and Fabienne Theiler

Fact: 80 years old Karlernst is about to conquer one of Europe’s most remote and wildest nature reserves with his 6 sleddogs. The book: A tribute to nature’s dignity in balance with mans life.

25 %
EUR 580
11 backers
Les Sentinelles de la Paix

Photography, Publishing, and Art

Kropyvnytskyi and Ukrainka

Les Sentinelles de la Paix

by Schweizerphotographe

« Quand un cosaque est à cheval, seul Dieu est plus grand que lui »
A l’heure de l’implosion d’un état une catégorie d’individus veulent garder les traditions et l'unité de leurs pays

0 %
0 backers
Support to Ukrainian Editors

Science, Publishing, and Literature


Support to Ukrainian Editors

by Pierre Mounier, Caroline, and mmaryl

The war in Ukraine is impacting our colleagues in scholarly publishing - We set up the Supporting Ukrainian Editorial Staff program to provide editorial staff in Ukraine with the help they need

125 %
EUR 20’768
116 backers
Motherhood and ambivalence

Publishing, Community, and Art

Geneva, Los Angeles, and Seoul

Let's talk about maternal ambivalence-

the Light and Dark side of Motherhood

106 %
CHF 3’520
22 backers
Overexploited Territories BS

Science, Publishing, and Architecture


Cartography was used throughout this research as a medium to depict specific geographical forms, complex informations and data to provide a reading of a continuously changing reality in the Baltic Sea

12 %
EUR 1’227
15 backers
Shanghigh – Love Hate Punk

Photography and Publishing


The book «Shanghigh – Love Hate Punk» reveals a perspective on China as you’ve never seen it before. It is a travel in time that captures the essence of my relationship to Superman, a Chinese Punk.

102 %
CHF 20’512
96 backers
Romantic Emotions in Motion

Publishing and Art


«Romantic Emotions in Motion» is the name of the book that I would like to fund to publish with crowdfunding. The book is an art book with the best images from my portfolio which are well approved.

0 %
0 backers
Der letzte Wunsch, mein Buch

Publishing and Tourism


Monatelange Recherchen im Internet, stundenlange Filme in You Tube - alles auf der Suche nach interessanten Hotspots und Spartipps, die das möglich machen. Für die Praxis brauche ich Unterstützung.