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11542projects close to Oaxaca

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La Procesión de Las Sombras

Film and Art


La Procesión de Las Sombras

by Virginie Morillo

La Procesión de Las Sombras is an artistic short movie shot in mini dv, Iphone 5, super 8 and 5d. A procession of six motorcycles in the middle of a mexican field.

172 %
CHF 5’160
41 backers
Aylin and Abuelitos united?


Basel and Tehuacán

Aylin and Abuelitos united?

by Aylins Familie :)

Aylin is 6 months old, lives with her parents in Switzerland and she would be very excited to get to know her hard-working and lovely mexican Abuelitos (grandparents) personally.

104 %
CHF 3’718
24 backers
Naturheilpark SEMUK / Mexiko

Community, Environment, and Education


Naturheilpark SEMUK / Mexiko

by Pascal K'in Greub

Mit dem gesammelten Betrag möchten wir das undichte Dach renovieren und die von Anfang an geplante Gemeinschaftsküche bauen. Die Corona-Krise hat alles lahmgelegt und die Regenzeit beginnt schon!

5 %
CHF 1’222
9 backers
El Bosque de la Esperanza

Community, art, and Technology

Mexico City and Geneva

El Bosque de la Esperanza

by Aline Wani, Sergio Beltrán-García, and Maevia Griffiths

Help us grow a physical and virtual forest of memory for families in Mexico who suffer disappearance.

106 %
CHF 31’953
259 backers
Auslandhilfe Zentralamerika


Mexico City, Guatemala City, and Tegucigalpa

Das Ziel dieses Projektes ist es «Soziale Unterstützung» an bedürftige Menschen und Schulen von Mexiko bis Kolumbien, ggf. an weitere, zu geben und unsere Reise zu diesem Zweck fortsetzen zu können.

0 %
0 backers
Clip: Angels Over America

Film, Music, and Art

Mexico City

A guy is running from the devil, tired and without strength, the Holy Mary is revealed to him, but she doesn’t help him, someone else appears and shows him that he has himself and that’s all he needs.

69 %
CHF 1’035
9 backers
Nous Recyclons

Design, Community, and Environment

Mexico City

Nous Recyclons

by Nosotros Reciclamos

Notre pari: transformer le PET pour transformer la vie des plus pauvres au Mexique. En 2017, nous voulons augmenter temps de travail, revenus et qualité des produits, pour devenir autosuffisants.

5 %
CHF 850
11 backers
Collection «Mestizo»

Fashion and Design

San Pedro La Laguna

Collection «Mestizo»


Mestizo is a Fashion collection that is not primarily searching commercial success; it is rather meant to be an audacious-artistic selection.

106 %
EUR 14’952
97 backers
Collection – 2016


San Pedro La Laguna

Collection – 2016


It says that «once isn’t enough». In 2015 I presented for first time a collection in a professional platform. The experts want that I return. That’s the reason why I need your help!

111 %
EUR 17’260
73 backers
Wendy's Hostel in Antigua


Antigua Guatemala

Fundraising for former host mother (Wendy) and her family in Guatemala to help to buy a house & start a hostel.

101 %
CHF 6’205
44 backers
Do The Fair Trade!

Film, Music, and Fair Trade

Arch and Guatemala City

Do The Fair Trade!

by El Tucan Fair Trade

We are El Tucan and have been practicing the fair trade philosopy for 25 years. With the song and video «Do The Fair Trade» we give our artesans a voice and a face.

17 %
CHF 710
10 backers
Stipendien Guatemala FUNDEP

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Guatemala City

Stipendien Guatemala FUNDEP

by Förderverein FUNDEP and Annemarie Jost

Schulausbildung in Guatemala ist mangelhaft. Die «Fundacion Eterna Primavera» arbeitet am Aufbau des Stipendienfonds, um Kindern mehr als ein Minimum an Bildung und Entwicklung möglich zu machen.