The Commonroom serves a community of Creative needs for adults and children from singing and dancing to printing and making clay turtles. The doors are open for every kind of expressive desire and the space fills all kinds of projects. Ozlem embraces everyone with an open heart.
Ihr seid die absolut Nettesten! Ihr tragt so viel zu einer Welt bei, die ich mir wünsche: Kreativ, liebevoll, bescheiden und sozial. Hoffentlich kriegt ihr das Geld zusammen. Ich wünschte, ich könnte mehr geben - glaube aber auch an die anderen, die ihr glücklich gemacht habt und machen werdet.
commonroom has been a wonderful place and community unlike any other in vienna for so many years - i hope you will be able to reach the goal and continue the lovely work you do.
dear friends of commonroom, every days make us happier. that's such a privilege to have such a beautiful community. thank you very much to all of you for all your supports. we grow together! hugs and hugs and hugs!
I’ve only had the chance to join ceramic classes and I just fell in love with the atmosphere of this place. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming. It was lovely meeting Elen and Ozlem. I’m looking forward to joining you again. All the best
such a lovely place - so good vibes - celebrating life - encouraging potencials :)
Stephanie am 25.7.2020 10:08
The Commonroom serves a community of Creative needs for adults and children from singing and dancing to printing and making clay turtles. The doors are open for every kind of expressive desire and the space fills all kinds of projects. Ozlem embraces everyone with an open heart.
El am 25.7.2020 09:30
Ihr seid die absolut Nettesten! Ihr tragt so viel zu einer Welt bei, die ich mir wünsche: Kreativ, liebevoll, bescheiden und sozial. Hoffentlich kriegt ihr das Geld zusammen. Ich wünschte, ich könnte mehr geben - glaube aber auch an die anderen, die ihr glücklich gemacht habt und machen werdet.
Dorothée Berghaus am 24.7.2020 15:42
commonroom has been a wonderful place and community unlike any other in vienna for so many years - i hope you will be able to reach the goal and continue the lovely work you do.
Kaitlyn Chang am 24.7.2020 13:54
dear friends of commonroom,
every days make us happier. that's such a privilege to have such a beautiful community. thank you very much to all of you for all your supports. we grow together!
hugs and hugs and hugs!
commonroom am 24.7.2020 11:29
Commonroom was a great inspiration for me ! Thanks for your creativity and beauty!
Iciar am 23.7.2020 23:03
I’ve only had the chance to join ceramic classes and I just fell in love with the atmosphere of this place. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming. It was lovely meeting Elen and Ozlem. I’m looking forward to joining you again. All the best
Umut . am 22.7.2020 19:04
Please support this wonderful place that brings people together for the purpose of creativity, fun and happiness!
Susan Tschida am 22.7.2020 16:43