Children will be rebuilding Ukraine for years to come. They need education to rebuild their country and their lives.
Ich weiss, das diese Hilfe direkt ankommt und keine administrativen Aufwände bezahlt werden. Besten Dank für Eure Arbeit.
As the war drags on its easy for us to carry on with our own lives. It’s important to keep up the solidarity with Ukraine to help them through this tragedy. Children are especially vulnerable during war
weil uns Kinder am Herzen liegen! weil es uns das Herz bricht; Kinder sind unschuldig, die jüngsten Kriegsopfer.
I see so many suffering children in Ukraine. My son attended 1st class in Ukraine, often lessons were often interrupted and kids sat in a bomb shelter. I consider «Help for Ukrainian children» is very important to keep Ukrainians survive, to keep children there continue to receive education. It is important that a new generation of intelligent and kind children would grow up and be able to rebuild their country after the war. And some rebuilding and resurrection is happening right now.