BARDAK - Tragicomic theatre production
What should theatre be today? How can we make theatre an active experience for the audience? What does the audience need today?
The creation «BARDAK» (in Russian & Hebrew - «CHAOS, MESS») is a fairytale-like and absurd story about solitude caused by a catastrophe. We’ll work between storytelling experience of our director Ferruccio Cainero, the tragicomic character «Domovoi» by Igor Mamlenkov and the technique of soundscape by Manfredi Clemente. The technical aspect will help to surround the spectators with the atmosphere of the story that we are writing together with Ferruccio Cainero (Stabio, TI), director of the fabulous Swiss clown Gardi Hutter. The absurd story will talk about an immortal house-spirit that is left alone in the house. An existencial tragicomedy.
The aim is to heal and heal ourselves through irony, to make the audience dive into a fantasy world of fairy tales, of possibilities, a surrealist and upside down world, a true tragicomedy that helps us to get distance from reality and have some hope.
We intend to create a magical and mysterious world that submerges the audience inside our fantasy. One of the important devices we want to explore is soundscape, a 3D space that produces an effect of sound travelling through space. That is a perfect to create an imaginary space to sustain our storytelling.
We intend to create a theatre full of suprises and metaphors that starts right at the garderobe, at the entrance door. Either you know it or not, but the game has already begun - weird sounds coming out of nowhere, suspense, smoke, strange objects and maybe even smells. The more you get into the room, the more you become a part of the performance, there is no clear separation between the stage and audience. In the end, we’ll propose an interaction where now the audience can act, where the audience can pass from an observer to an active player, where the audience can step into our world if they want to.
Will you take the Blue Pill or the Red Pill?
Without your support, we can’t realise the project and it will fail. Our young Associazione culturale BLU SELYODKA doesn’t have much support from the Town Hall, Canton or the State yet and we don’t have our own fixed budget nor a sponsor.
To realize the project, we need to buy different equipment (smoking machine, recycled TV speakers, materials for scenography such as wood, parts of furniture, metalic details, glue etc.), theatre props. Most of the sponsoring that we were promised by now, will come only after the premiere (16/17 Sep.2022, Teatro Foce, Lugano), however we are already running quite a few expenses in order to create the show and we need to pay a percentage of the wages (production manager, scenographer, director etc.) in advance. Please, take into the account that in any case, the confirmed founds aren’t sufficient.
For your support, we offer a vast variety of rewards starting from a postcard with Domovoi’s kiss on it and his poem dedicated to you, up to a video sketch composed just for you or a clown workshop for kids or/and adults. We love our job and we are working hard for it (since November 2021). We enjoy living the beautiful moments, but it is also how we make our living. With your generous support, we can provide adequate working conditions for our collaborators.
Confirmed dates Premiere(s) - 16th /17th September 2022, Rassegna HOME, Teatro Foce, Lugano (TI) 2nd October 2022 - Teatro Dimitri, Verscio (TI) 3rd December 2022 - Teatro Paravento, Locarno (TI) 30th December 2022 - Halle Cons, Disentis (GR)
Produced by Associazione culturale BLU SELYODKA and DOMOVOI THEATRE COMPANY