The book project «Octocracy» is dedicated to the meaningfulness and impact of organizations - help to actively shape the future of collaboration.

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CHF 21’950

62% of CHF 35’000

62 %
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The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

61 backers

7 days to go

Octo... what?

Modern organizations are faced with the challenge of asserting themselves in a constantly changing world. In order to be successful, rigid hierarchies must be dismantled and people must work together as equals. A good balance between agility and leadership is the key to combining effectiveness and a sense of purpose.

We, David and Thom, have been helping organizations to achieve precisely this balance for many years. By combining proven methods of agile collaboration with their extensive expertise in leadership, they have developed the concept of «octocracy».

Their book «OCTOCRACY - shaping meaningful organisations» summarizes their findings and gives everyone involved a new sense of purpose in their daily work. It enables organizations to achieve more impact in a playful and enjoyable way.

But what does octocracy actually mean? Octocracy combines the fascinating characteristics of an octopus with the effective aspects of holacracy. In octocratically organized organizations, the various departments act autonomously and make independent decisions, similar to the 8 arms of the octopus. In critical moments, however, they are guided by the organization’s leader - the head of the octopus - who steers them through turbulent times.

  • Design of the book cover of «Octocracy - shaping meaningful organisations»
    Design of the book cover of «Octocracy - shaping meaningful organisations»
  • Illustration from the book: The octopus' arms follow its head. Leadership is also needed in agile collaboration.
    Illustration from the book: The octopus' arms follow its head. Leadership is also needed in agile collaboration.
  • Another illustration from the book: The octopus, our metaphor for effective collaboration.
    Another illustration from the book: The octopus, our metaphor for effective collaboration.

What is special about our project?

Who wouldn’t want to make a contribution to a better world? And how can individuals do this? David and Thom have chosen the world of work as their playing field and have been helping leaders to lead their employees in a respectful and humane way for years.

With their book «OCTOCRACY - shaping meaningful organisations», they take the next logical step by giving daily work more meaning again. They show how more personal responsibility and cooperation at eye level can lead to more satisfied and effective action and work. In combination with targeted leadership, octocratic organizations achieve greater impact again.

David and Thom are not only partners, but also close friends who share the same values. In addition to the qualities already mentioned, this applies in particular to sustainability. They are convinced that sustainability should not just be a buzzword. For this reason, their new book is being produced «Cradle to Cradle» - the only process in the world that allows books to be produced 100% free of harmful substances.

  • f.l.t.r. David Fiorucci and Thomas Nast: The author duo
    f.l.t.r. David Fiorucci and Thomas Nast: The author duo
  • Illustration of the circular economy: Our book is produced 100% free of harmful substances and accessible to everyone.
    Illustration of the circular economy: Our book is produced 100% free of harmful substances and accessible to everyone.

We need your support for this

The plan is as follows: We want to produce a high-quality book that is sustainably produced and available in three languages and as an audiobook. The book is already written, but to realize our plan, we need your help. It still needs to be translated, carefully proofread and corrected. The cover, typesetting and layout need to be lovingly designed and enriched with illustrations. Finally, the book has to be printed according to the «Cradle to Cradle» principle.

Implementing this plan requires commitment, work and money - and not a little of it.

We have done the math: With a total budget of 35,000 francs, we can implement the German version according to our ideas and adequately remunerate everyone who contributes.

With an additional 30,000 francs for each additional language version, we can also realize the English and French versions.

But Octocracy is more than just a book - it is a movement. We believe in a world in which meaning and impact are in harmony. That’s why our book is not only an inspiration, but also a practical guide for change.

Become part of this movement! Your support not only helps to make this book a reality, but also enables you to actively shape the future of collaboration. Together we can revolutionize the way we work together!