CLIMA – Climate Youth Fund

di 25onehundred

Zurigo, Atene e Londra

We are the first Climate Youth Fund; dedicated to engaging in funding climate tech and service innovation projects of young entrepreneurs, co-designing intergenerational future solutions.

CHF 50’007

200% di CHF 25’000

200 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

240 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 15.7.2021


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  • You guys rock.

    Christian Kruse il 14.7.2021 12:59

  • Dear Leonora!

    We were very pleased to receive your three moving statements. It is a great pleasure for us that such young people like you are so interested in what we are planning to do, what we are working for. If you like, we would like to get in touch with you.

    We can be contacted at the following email addresses:
    - (Leander is a 20-year CEO) or with me, the so-called Chairman:


    Thom Held il 5.7.2021 19:25

  • I am almost 13 years old and live with my family in the United States of America. My grandmother lives in Greece and told me all about the project. I am very interested in the problems of climate change. I like to be informed and may be contribute ideas.

    Leonora Engehausen il 5.7.2021 11:36

  • I am almost 11 years old and my grandmother told me about the project and signed me up. I think it is a great idea! I love nature and animals a lot!

    Leonora Engehausen il 5.7.2021 11:28

  • The youth is our future - I want to give young people the chance to bring in all their knowledge to save our planet. My generation and the ones before did a lot of damage to our beautiful planet which leaves me with a lot of regret. We all have to work together ! Every voice , every idea counts!

    Leonora Engehausen il 5.7.2021 10:57

  • macht weiter so! Wir brauchen junge innovative Menschen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft

    Malang55 il 4.7.2021 08:58

  • Ohne Klimaschutz keine Gesundheit. Ohne Gesundheit kein Leben.

    Viura il 22.6.2021 15:13

  • Ich moechte meine Nichte, Bibiana Eva, unterstuetzen, weil sie eine gute Sache macht.

    Karel il 20.6.2021 12:57

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