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34current projects close to Plettenberg Bay in community

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Plettenberg Bay. But this may be of interest to you.
Kula Pipi Garden

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


Kula Pipi Garden

by Demetra Solari

Le « Kula pipi garden » est un jardin de rencontre et un lieu où les locaux et les internationaux peuvent se rencontrer et partager leurs expériences de vie.

1 %
CHF 270
37 days to go
Aventure humanitaire


Ethiope and Ethiope

Aventure humanitaire

by Sylvie Bétrix & Claude Mertenat

Aventure solidaire en Ethiopie ! Rejoignez Claude et Sylvie pour soutenir la Fondation des Chirurgiens suisses en Ethiopie et leur Centre à Jimma. Ensemble, changeons des vies !

3 %
CHF 705
32 days to go
Working together for Moldova

Architecture and Community


We are building a retirement home in Moldova to offer senior citizens a better quality of life. We need donations to build the heating system. Support us to give warmth and hope.

59 %
CHF 23’662
18 days to go
Trap Quizz - Escape Game

Games, Startup, and Community


Trap Quizz - Escape Game

by Marion and Vanessa

Support two young entrepreneurs in the launch of their Quiz Room, in a project that combines intellect, challenge and fun in a friendly, interactive atmosphere.

0 %
CHF 115
31 days to go
Projet Box 62

Music, Community, and Art

Le Mont-sur-Lausanne

Projet Box 62

by assobox62

Création et gestion à but non lucratif de lieux éphémères ou permanents d’expression et d’apprentissage pluridisciplinaire autour de la musique et des arts.

36 %
CHF 5’445
19 days to go
Feine Bio Glace

Food, Fair Trade, and Community


Feine Bio Glace

by Hanno@Kalan

Hilf mit unser Projekt für ein Eiscafé mit nachhaltiger und handwerklich hergestellter Bio-Glace in die Tat umzusetzen. Geniesse unsere einzigartigen Kreationen und teile gesellige Momente mit uns.

3 %
CHF 950
39 days to go
Long Covid wir handeln jetzt



Long Covid wir handeln jetzt

by Sandra_Long_Covid

Astrid ist eine 47 Jährige Landwirtin. Die Infektion mit SARS-CoV-2 führte bei ihr zu Long Covid. Die Finanzen sind erschöpft und schiebt die viel versprechende H.E.L.P Apharese ins Unerreichbare.

67 %
CHF 12’142
44 days to go

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Glarus, Fribourg, and Kreuzlingen


by Schulwandel Stiftung

Give every child access to a school that meets their needs and reduce the burden on schools, families, and teachers: this is the only way to transform the education system.

66 %
CHF 140’442
24 days to go
Helfen in finanzieller Not

Community and Kids / Youth


Unterstütze eine tapfer kämpfende alleinerziehende Mutter und ihre zwei Töchter, damit sie wieder positiv in die Zukunft schauen können.

8 %
CHF 1’200
27 days to go

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education



by SpielRevier

We offer low-threshold play opportunities and are committed to providing more play and free space for children. It strengthens their health, participation, personal responsibility and well-being.

40 %
CHF 2’016
22 days to go
Bistro 21Stärne!

Food, Community, and Kids / Youth


Bistro 21Stärne!

by Mensch21!

We need YOUR support! Our newly opened bistro «21Stärne» in Bern offers jobs for people with trisomy21.

18 %
CHF 7’276
32 days to go
Company Sabina

Startup and Community


Im starting a business to offer my best services to create a better world globally based and starting in Switzerland. My background is being a doctor. My vision is peace, love, happiness and freedom