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49current projects close to Bukavu

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Bukavu. But this may be of interest to you.
Fight the Fever

Agriculture, Community, and Education

Vienna, Sondu, and Wakiso

Fight the Fever

by Fight the Fever - Verein zur Unterstützung lokaler Strategien gegen Malaria

We fight for sustainable malaria control through the use of Artemisia and local knowledge. Support us to strengthen local approaches and break colonial dependencies!

13 %
EUR 1’100
12 days to go
Direkthilfe Lugala Hospital

Science, Community, and Technology


Finanzierung eines neuen, funktionsfähigen Anästhesiegerätes für den Operationssaal.

12 %
CHF 3’340
6 days to go
Blood Coltan

Film, Politics, and Art


Blood Coltan

by Derek Simba

The aim of this short film is to raise public awareness of the issues surrounding mining resources in the Democratic Republic of Congo, by following characters fighting against corruption and poverty.

59 %
CHF 1’190
17 days to go
Skopje’s Architecture

Photography, architecture, and Journalism


Skopje’s Architecture

by Michael Banifatov

A photography exploration of Skopje’s controversial architectural legacy.

2 %
EUR 20
25 days to go
earthship biotecture

Architecture, Community, and Environment


earthship biotecture

by Alexander & Raphael

Upcycling & recycling waste (mostly old tyres, bottles & cans) to build lovely self sustainable cottages & houses. Supporting locals to get conscious about the waste situation in India & create benefit

1 %
EUR 185
32 days to go
Pawz & Tails Academy®

Games, Startup, and Animals


Pawz & Tails Academy®

by Pawz Studio, Brown Bear, and Vane Pawz

A group of friends and a startup: we're creating a card game where real dogs and cats become heroes! We aim to entertain and inspire, raising awareness about our pets.

33 %
CHF 1’666
30 days to go
acCanto a Noi

Music, Community, and Performing Arts


Un laboratorio corale in cui i partecipanti portano le canzoni della propria tradizione per raccontarsi e creare assieme uno spettacolo di sensibilizzazione sulla diversità.

16 %
CHF 820
36 days to go
Benessere per gli anziani



Questo progetto propone l’implementazione di un servizio di massaggi in loco nelle case di riposo, con l’obiettivo di fornire un supporto olistico al benessere degli ospiti.

4 %
CHF 60
29 days to go
In The Bodies

Performing arts and Dance

Dornbirn, Bludenz, and Vienna

In The Bodies

by Claudia Grava

Diese internationale Tanzproduktion bricht die Traditionen des Tangos auf, mal humorvoll, mal fordernd und stellt gängige Parameter weiblicher Schönheit infrage. Premiere: 31.01.25 im Spielboden!

84 %
EUR 8’461
3 days to go
A Footbridge in Dzoras

Community, tourism, and Environment


A Footbridge in Dzoras

by Les Amis du Bisse

The Bisse de Saxon is an essential footpath in the Valais. A footbridge would enable it to be restored. The Association des Amis du Bisse now needs your help to make it a reality.

47 %
CHF 23’855
12 days to go
Spacebrain First LP!


Geneva, Biel/Bienne, and Vevey

Cet album de 5 titres est la 5e production du trio et l’aboutissement d’un processus de création de 4 ans, enrichis d’un cheminement artistique de plus de 10 ans.

0 %
47 days to go
Hirsch und Nuss!

Agriculture, Environment, and Animals


Hilf mit, unseren Familienhof im St. Galler Rheintal zu erhalten und zukunftsfähig zu gestalten: mehr Biodiversität, artgerechte Tierhaltung, erneuerbare Energien und regionale Wertschöpfung! 🌱