Net zero greenhouse gases from buildings by 2030
The climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity are among the most serious challenges of our time. The construction, operation and demolition of buildings cause 40% of global CO2 emissions. Something urgently needs to change here! We need your support for this endeavor (exhibitions, podcasts, posters, podiums and publications).
The project: Countdown 2030
The construction industry’s share the responsibility for anthropogenic climate change is huge. For us this means not only that we have a responsibility, but also that we have the opportunity to make a real difference. As architects and planners, we have founded Countdown 2030 to jointly launch a sustainable building culture. The name symbolizes the urgent need for action.
The goal: zero greenhouse gases from buildings by 2030
We have been facing climate change for decades, but the current decade is crucial. If we do not change now, irreversible tipping points will accelerate global warming to such an extent that we will be at the mercy of any ensuing consequences. Our goal is to use this decade to mitigate the negative consequences of climate change as far as possible and to enable people to live in a sustainable way.
The idea: reinventing modernity
The changes of the modern age affected all areas of life. Now we are at a comparable starting point - the age of decarbonisation is beginning. Research into sustainable building has been going on for decades. However this has had too little influence on teaching and professional practice. The usual materials and construction methods need to be put to the test, and sustainability must become relevant for decision-making. This results in completely new design and construction concepts. - An opportunity for architecture to reinvent itself.
Now is the time to act!
Our commitment: a motivated collective with practical relevance
Basic knowledge about sustainable building is available. We compile it for the various planning scales, prepare it in an comprehensible way and make it accessible. With the help of scientists and experts, we weight the various approaches in order to provide orientation. We do not want to lecture people but inspire. Through exhibitions, installations, lectures and discussions we make our findings known and encourage architects and planners to think along with us, discuss and, above all, redesign. We are part of the problem - but also part of the solution.
We will use your donation for this
We need financial support for the exhibitions, podcasts, posters, podiums and publications. Our goal is very ambitious - in order to implement our projects and campaigns and to reach everyone involved in the construction, we need your help now. «Modernity» must be reinvented, tested and put into practice in new ways.
Let’s do it together - thank you very much for your support.