Development indie game

Development indie game

by Abardon


Abardon was privately developed as an indie browser game. The strategic roleplaying game is already live. However, the funds for further development are reaching the limit & need support.

CHF 425

4% of CHF 10’000

4 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

5 backers

Concluded on 25/2/2023

Further development Swiss indie browser game

The development of the Swiss indie browser game «Abardon» was initiated with private funds. It is a classic browser game with RPG elements with various strategy elements, which is the result of years of conception.

The players dive into the world of the continent Abardon, can train their avatar, make it stand up against a myriad of monsters, find and train spirits (= pets) for support, collect equipment, learn magic attacks, adapt their combat strategy and compete with other players in the highscores.

Financing of the browser game The game is already live on and has been funded by private means so far. Since it is important to us not to pursue a pay-to-win approach, the income runs at a minimum, for the time being we would like to develop the game further, various innovations are still pending. Since we are not into programming ourselves, we have commissioned the game externally through a swiss game company in Brugg. We give them the conception and they develop it afterwards.

  • Spirit
  • Monster
  • Charakter
  • Monster (kommt bald)
    Monster (kommt bald)
  • Spirit
  • Spirit

What is special about my project

The game Abardon is the result of a graduate project, which was completed over 14 years ago and has been further designed since then. It is intended to give players the classic gaming experience of a browser game, to be easily accessible and to function without pay-to-win at its core. At the same time, it is a family project that is exclusively swiss owned and also works with swiss partners.

  • Startseite / Page d'accueil / Home
    Startseite / Page d'accueil / Home
  • Training / Entraînement /
    Training / Entraînement /
  • Wildnisübersicht / Aperçu de la région déserte / Wilderness overview
    Wildnisübersicht / Aperçu de la région déserte / Wilderness overview
  • Spirits (Pets) / Esprits / Spirits
    Spirits (Pets) / Esprits / Spirits
  • Monsterübersicht / Aperçu des monstres / Monster overview
    Monsterübersicht / Aperçu des monstres / Monster overview
  • Kampfbericht / Rapport de combat / Combat report
    Kampfbericht / Rapport de combat / Combat report
  • Schatzhöhle / Cave de trésor / Treasure cave
    Schatzhöhle / Cave de trésor / Treasure cave
  • Boss-Übersicht / Aperçu des boss / Boss overview
    Boss-Übersicht / Aperçu des boss / Boss overview
  • Völkerwahl / Choix du peuple / Peoples' choice
    Völkerwahl / Choix du peuple / Peoples' choice
  • Avatar-Wahl / Choix d'un avatar / Avatar selection
    Avatar-Wahl / Choix d'un avatar / Avatar selection
  • Inventar / Inventaire / Inventory
    Inventar / Inventaire / Inventory

For this I need support

The current planned innovation includes the implementation of a forge in the game. This will allow players to upgrade and strengthen their equipment. This also includes the introduction of various new forge materials, which are left behind by the monsters and are used for forging. The cost of this is currently only a rough estimate, as unforeseen programming challenges often arise during development (this has already been seen in previous features). At the moment we assume a development effort of CHF 10’000 for this development step, but we can’t afford it privately. In order to be able to develop the game further, we are dependent on external funds.

Vorschau Schmiede / Aperçu forge / Preview forge
Vorschau Schmiede / Aperçu forge / Preview forge