Unlock the Secrets of Chinese Cuisine: Your Ultimate Guide to Authentic Flavours

Partager le projet de crowdfunding

CHF 1’855

24% de CHF 7’500

24 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

19 contributeur*rices

22 jours restants

Meet the team

We are Susan and Yuan, Chinese immigrants living in Switzerland. As passionate foodies, we have a mission: to find the most authentic Chinese food in our new home. Over the years, we have not only explored Switzerland’s diverse culinary landscape and familiarised ourselves with dishes such as cordon bleu and raclette, but also discovered the best Chinese restaurants across the country.

I am René, a Swiss with a deep passion for Chinese food and culture. I love discovering new and unusual dishes that are often foreign to the Swiss palate. Having travelled to China, I felt the desire to build a bridge between Switzerland and China on my return.

Our reputation as culinary experts quickly spread among friends, and many - including colleagues and friends - often asked for our recommendations on where to enjoy the most authentic Chinese cuisine in cities such as Lucerne, Zurich and Zug.

So why not summarise our passion and expertise in a guide? That’s how the China Food Guide was born - a carefully curated collection of the best Chinese food experiences in Switzerland, bridging cultures and sharing our love of authentic flavours with a wider audience.

China Food Guide

Did you know that Switzerland’s most beloved Christmas dish, Fondue Chinoise, has its roots over 7,500 kilometers away in China, a country renowned for its diverse types of hot pot enjoyed all year round (not just in Christmas)? The connection between Chinese and Swiss cuisine may be deeper than you think.

Are you often overwhelmed by the big menu at a Chinese restaurant? Do you find yourself sticking to familiar options like sweet and sour chicken, not realizing that Chinese cuisine offers much more? You’re not alone—and we’re here to change that.

The first-ever Chinese Food Guide will demystify those intimidating menus, introduce you to the diverse and rich world of Chinese food, and tell you about the 8 Great Cuisines of China. Imagine knowing exactly where to go for the best dim sum, hot pot, or just a bowl of heartwarming noodles, understanding the cultural significance behind each dish, and confidently exploring new flavors beyond the familiar. You’ll gain insights into the long history of Chinese culinary traditions, connecting you with the culture.

Our Chinese food guide is more than just a book—it’s your gateway to discovering authentic, mouthwatering dishes in the best restaurants across Zurich, Lucerne, and Zug. Plus, we include recipes for iconic Chinese dishes so that you can bring the flavours of China into your kitchen.

  • China Food Guide 1
    China Food Guide 1
  • China Food Guide 2
    China Food Guide 2
  • China Food Guide 3
    China Food Guide 3
  • China Food Guide 4
    China Food Guide 4

This is what I need backing for

We’re asking for your support to help bring the China Food Guide to life. Our project has a total budget of around CHF 15’000.- which will cover the creation, printing, and distribution of 5’000 copies of the pilot version across Switzerland.

Specifically, we’re looking to raise CHF 7’500 through this campaign to cover a portion of these costs. Your contribution will help us:

  1. Print and Distribute the Guide: The funds will be used to cover part of the printing costs and ensure the China Food Guide reaches key locations across Switzerland.

  2. Raise Awareness: Your backing will also support our marketing efforts to get the word out about the China Food Guide, helping us connect with food lovers, both locals and tourists in Switzerland. So please tell all your friends and family about us, whether they want to back us or not. Every bit of awareness helps us grow and brings us one step closer to our goal. By supporting us, you’re not only helping to make this guide a reality, but also contributing to a project that bridges cultures and brings people together through the universal love of food. Thank you for being a part of our journey!