An engaging, highly topical book about mindfulness, cooperation and sustainability for people both big and small, by Judith and Jenya.

CHF 14’049

117% di CHF 12’000

117 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

204 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 9.6.2021

Our planet needs this book now!

This enchanting book will fascinate children and adults in equal measure. A must for everybody who cares about our planet.

In the land of miracle flowers, Lena and the other people live in harmony with nature. Here, every human being possesses the gift of producing wonder flowers, which are not only a source of happiness, but also a symbol of their creative potential for the recovery of the planet. Unfortunately, the evil magician Yeremith, who lives on the other side of the forbidden forest, wants to corrupt humankind… With your support we’ll be able to publish the first GERMAN edition of the book «Lena and the wonder flowers» with Baeschlin Verlag in Spring 2022. The next step will then be to translate it in English, making it accessible to many more people!

  • Detail of Moena's notebook
    Detail of Moena's notebook
  • Detail of Moena's notebook
    Detail of Moena's notebook
  • Detail of Moena's notebook
    Detail of Moena's notebook
  • Detail of Moena's notebook
    Detail of Moena's notebook
  • ...seeing a small miracle in every tiny detail and living  creature.
    ...seeing a small miracle in every tiny detail and living creature.
  • a ray of hope grows behind the group...
    a ray of hope grows behind the group...
  • Yeremith tries to corrupt man, but remains unsuccessful this time!
    Yeremith tries to corrupt man, but remains unsuccessful this time!
  • Jenya's creative process
    Jenya's creative process

A ray of hope...

Who doesn’t need great deal of hope nowadays? The complexity of our social and ecological problems makes it hard for youngsters and children to find their own identity and role in society. Lena’s close-to-nature lifestyle and Yeremiths ice-cold world are in stark contrast to each other. As the story progresses, the world keeps getting bleaker and the children more and more abandoned. But thanks to the power of their wonder flowers, Lena and her friends, who are all immune to Yeremith’s magic, solve this seemingly hopeless situation. Every human being here possesses the gift of producing wonder flowers, in this way contributing to the healing of the world. A must in every children’s room, in every nursery, in every school… Adults and children will equally be charmed by Lena’s tale.

  • This will be the cover of the book.
    This will be the cover of the book.
  • Lena and her family live in a little cottage at the edge of the forbidden  forest.
    Lena and her family live in a little cottage at the edge of the forbidden forest.
  • Lena's wonderflowers shine like stars...
    Lena's wonderflowers shine like stars...
  • Thank you for your support!
    Thank you for your support!

This is what I need backing for.

In order to be published, we need to make sure a part of the printing, graphics and production costs are covered. Thanks to your support, we will be able to have the first edition published, thus reaching a huge number of hearts. Jenya and Judith are grateful for any contribution, enabling us to publish our first joint children’s book. You decide if you want to increase the amount of your contribution… Please note that the books you’ll get through this campaign will all be in GERMAN. However, as soon as the book has been published in German we’ll work on the English translation, enabling us to spread the message for a more cooperative, sustainable and social lifestyle… The crowdfunding lasts until 10th of June, so don’t hesitate to spread the word to all those who love our planet. believes in our project and is donating seeds for you to make the world more colourful…