Living with Pain – A Book

by markjmoser


I have lived with strong pain most of my life. On this journey I've learnt how to not go crazy as I endure severe pain. In this book I share insights and experience.

CHF 2’654

176% of CHF 1’500

176 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

47 backers

Successfully concluded on 18/6/2017


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  • 36h to go and an amazing result of CHF 2655 to publish the english and german book of «Living with Pain». Thank you!!

    markjmoser on 16/6/2017 20:50

    Reply 0
  • Herzlichen Dank für die grosse Unterstützung!

    Anna ist daran, das Buch nun auf Deutsch zu übersetzen. Jonas, ein Publizist, bietet ebenfalls seine Erfahrung und Unterstützung an.

    Euch allen, tausend Dank!

    markjmoser on 20/5/2017 20:37

    Reply 0
  • This is so encouraging! It motivates me and makes me thankful that you believe in this project and express this with you support.

    Anna from Germany has started translating the book into German.
    Today I had a phone call with Jonas who has published books and would like to help me get this book printed, distributed and made available in bookstores and libraries.

    A big thank you to you all!

    markjmoser on 20/5/2017 20:35

    Reply 0
  • Thanks so much Nora! That is really kind of you. Mark

    markjmoser on 20/5/2017 14:04

    Reply 0
  • Good luck with your project!
    Nora (Judith's sister)

    Nora on 20/5/2017 14:01

    Reply 0