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Hey everyone! After resting a bit, now we can continue! First, a big thank you from each one of us: please see the video! It was really what we needed, to see so many people believe in us and what we are doing. Second, we are starting with the production of the rewards; many things are already ordered and on the way. In the next days we would start contacting each one of you separately about how to arrange for your rewards. In the meanwhile, you can always follow us on Instagram/Facebook, or register for our newsletter on our website. Then you can hear more about all the projects we are doing. See you! Dani, Liina, Simon, Philipp, Tamer [DE] Hallo an alle! Nach einer kurzen Verschnaufpause, machen wir jetzt weiter! Zuallererst ein großes Danke von uns allen: schaut euch dieses Video an! Es hat uns wirklich geholfen, dass so viele Menschen an uns und was wir machen geglaubt haben. Wir werden jetzt mit der Produktion der Rewards beginnen; einige Dinge haben wir schon bestellt und die sind schon am Weg. In den nächsten Tagen werden wir jede*n von euch kontaktieren und separat die Verteilung der einzelnen Rewards mit euch planen. Bis dahin könnt ihr uns auf Instagram/Facebook folgen, oder euch für unseren Newsletter auf unserer Website anmelden. Falls ihr an unseren anderen Projekten interessiert seid und auf dem Laufenden gehalten werden möchtet! Bis bald! Dani, Liina, Simon, Philipp, Tamer
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Wir wollten nur ein schnelles DANKE sagen, an alle die unser Crowdfunding unterstützt haben! Wir haben es geschafft und brauchen jetzt erst mal ein paar Tage um uns zu erholen. Danke für die Unterstützung, wir schätzen sie sehr! Wir halten euch am Laufenden, wie es weitergeht!
This is just a quick THANKS to everyone for supporting our crowdfunding! We made it and now need to rest for a bit. Thanks everyone who supported, we really appreciate it! We’ll keep you all updated on any further development!
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Here is a quick gameplay video of how our Monster Hunt app looks!
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We are trying different designs to make the monocular more ours. Dani and Simon came up with putting a map on it, so why not? What do you think?
You can always update your funding to also get these cool objects! See you!
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We are starting the work on the rewards. What do you think? For those who are not from Vienna: Grantig is the special grumpiness that the Viennese produce; see the crowdfunding video for detailed explanation and acting out :)
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Oops, the video was somehow not embedded, so here it is once more! Our current state at the moment at RabbitHole!
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Hey all!
First, thanks for believing in us! It means a lot to get all this support, from all over the world.
It is the last three days, and we still need a bit of more support to reach our aim. Do you have friends, that would also find us cool? Maybe neighbors? Can you help us spread the word one last time?
In the meanwhile, we will be at fesch’markt this weekend; if you are in Vienna, stop by and say hi!
Looking forward! Tamer, Dani, Simon, Liina, Philipp
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ar all!
We are slowly gathering up in RabbitHole. If you are in Vienna, drop by! If not, you can connect and say hello here:
See you! Tamer
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ar all!
We have decided to throw a spontaneous party this Saturday, 6th of November, to come together, celebrate and unite our energy entering the last week of our campaign.
You are all welcome to join us to have some drinks and nice conversations with us in our studio RabbitHole, in the 9th district of Vienna. In the afternoon it will be a more relaxed environment with fire, coffee and cookies. In the evening it will turn more into a party ;)
You are welcome to bring your friends and family, but don’t forget to follow 2.5G rules! If you are not in Vienna, write us directly at and we will share with you a a link, so you can at least say hello.
Looking forward! Liina, Simon, Dani, Philipp, Tamer
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Trick or Treat!
Thank you for your support up until now, it is mid-campaign and we are at 60%. Let’s see if we will manage to pull this off in the end.
In the meanwhile, we wanted to celebrate the Halloween and brought Sisi back to life! Some of you might know that she suffered a lot from the grumpy Viennese at her times; court life was suffocating with all the gossip and scorning about the life she chose to live.
We feel that, as long as this snobbiness continues in Vienna, Sisi will continue haunting the city! So help us, spread the word about our games and let us free the Viennese from their grumpiness!
See you all! May the good spirits be with you tonight! Tamer
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In less than a week, we have reached 50% percent of our crowdfunding campaign! Even wemakeit is promoting it on their home page as one of their favourites. So, share our project and help us reach the target!
In weniger als einer Woche haben wir 50% unserer Crowdfunding Kampagne geschafft! Wemakeit hat sie sogar so gefallen, dass sie sie jetzt auch promoten. Sei teile unser Projekt und hilf uns unser Ziel zu erreichen!