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arest Supporters!
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the Holiday Season! By now, everyone should have received their bags and necklaces by post - please let me know if you didn’t!
On my side, a lot has been happening. Website work is in full swing, the new stove has been installed on our sailboat, and I’ve been sourcing cameras and equipment.
The first online cooking class is planned for the 8th of January. Due to delays on the equipment front, I might not be able to make it, but no worries, we will be on it with all our energy and it will definitely happen in January! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me! Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!
All the best, Chef Jo
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ar Friends and Believers, Thank you for the lovely green flowers! (Just kidding :-D)
We MADE it!! Thanks to you and your support, we achieved our goal of raising CHF 20’000.- to found New Wave Cooking, and to further the noble cause of ZERO-WASTE cooking tips, classes, and recipes.
I’m so excited to get started!
I have to say – I am overcome with joy at the dedication, assistance, and contributions (both financial and otherwise!) that you all have shown me.
I have discovered new friends, new wisdom, and incredible ideas from sharing my dreams and plans with you, and beyond any monetary support, your ideological collaboration has given me new hope for our society, and in no small way, for humanity’s ability to take up the challenge of fighting climate change.
I am also relieved, as the past 6 weeks of crowdfunding have been an emotional rollercoaster! Between social media campaigns, press releases, online events, a conference, multiple live dinners, and just general stress, I’m happy to be able to rest for a few days.
As a chef, I worked long hours, for relatively little pay, and living in one of the world’s most expensive countries meant that putting money aside wasn’t easy. I couldn’t have done this without you, and I hope you each feel the same glow of satisfaction in your hearts that I do, when I think of what we will achieve for ourselves and the planet today, tomorrow, and in the years to come, with ZERO-WASTE cooking!
Sustainability has always been at the heart of my being, as it surely is for you as well. Life sometimes throws up unexpected changes – but one thing is certain: I have found my passion, and my life’s purpose.
Whether from a sailboat now, or a tiny house later, traveling in a van, opening my own restaurant, or whatever else may come – know this: I will fight the ZERO-WASTE fight, with delicious, creative and sustainable cooking and gardening ideas each day, and I will be there to share them with you.
Have a great start to the week, I love you all! See you in 2022 for our first classes – I’ll keep you posted.
-Chef Jo
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YOU make me so happy!
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Always wanted to be a godparent to a cute dog or cat? Today is your lucky day! We have a new reward on the line for only 300.- you get to be a godparent to Runa (half Cocker Spaniel, half Puli) or Louis (cute rescued stray). Interested? Grab this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! They are already looking forward to having you in their lives! Have a Pawlicious Day!
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Hello Friends!
We’ve recently gotten a BIG boost from some of you, thank you so much!! We’ve got only CHF 1’800 left to raise, and 3 days to do it!! We’re almost there - but we need your help.
PLEASE - share the crowdfunding link with your family, colleagues, and friends TODAY! We can make this happen together and help make the world a little bit better each day!! 🌎🌱🌻⭐
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Ever thought of eating the rind of a watermelon? I tried this out when I cooked for my friends, Nadiyana and Mark from @WildlingsSailing. It was a risky attempt, but it turned out awesome! Nadiyana especially loved them, she kept the jar to finish!
First step: enjoy fresh Watermelon! There can still be a bit of flesh on the rind, but not too much, it will get quite soft. Then peel the dark green part off. Cut The watermelon rind in thin stripes and place them in a jar.
Now for the brine: -1/2 part vinegar (whatever you have, wine, apple, it doesn’t really matter) -1 part water -1/3 part sugar -a little salt -whatever aromatics you like: I used peppercorns and vanilla but you can also use onion, cinnamon, cloves, and so on…
Bring it all to a boil. Pour the hot liquid over the rinds in the jar. Close the lid and let cool down. Keep in the fridge. You can eat it after 8 hours but the longer it can sit in the brine, the better it gets.
Have fun experimenting, and reducing food waste!!
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Hey Zero-Wasters! We’ve gotten our first Press Release from EuropaWire published - check it out - and please share with your colleagues, friends and family too!
We’re making good progress, but with only 6 DAYS LEFT, we NEED your voices to spread the word and make New Wave Cooking a reality!!
Share the article with everyone you know - let’s make it happen!
With love, and have a delicious day,
Chef Jo
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Thanks to everyone that supports and believes in New Wave Cooking!
To show my appreciation, I want to share this simple but super yummy recipe with you all, that preserves food for months, allowing you to consume smarter and ensure a ZERO-WASTE spiciness with a little something extra:
Fermented Chilis! 🌶️🌶️🌶️
All you need is some chilis, water, salt and if you want some aromatics like garlic, herbs and so on. Use your creativity and explore once you feel comfortable with the process!
Wash the chilis, and cut them in slices. In case you want the ferment to be less spicy, you can take the seeds out.
Then put them in a glass jar, best one with a rubber ring between jar and lid (mason jar).
Press the chilis down a little so they are all at one level.
Now try to estimate, how much water you are going to need, to cover the chilis completely.
I will work with 500 ml water.
You need 2 % salt of the amount of water, which means in this case 10 g.
Bring 50 ml of the water to a boil and stir in the salt until completely dissolved.
Now mix it with the rest of the water. Now, put a weight on top the chilis, best is one out of glass, which covers the whole surface. If you don’t have one you can cut some kale or baking paper to the right size!
Slowly pour the water salt mixture over the weight until the chilis are completely covered.
Close the lid and put in a warm light place, not directly in the sun.
The process will take up to 14 days, check daily and take out anything that might swim at the surface to avoid it going bad..
I like them best simply on bred with butter and maybe cheese. But you can also use them for any kind of pasta, rice, salads and so on as a tasty garnish!
I hope you enjoy this recipe, let me know how it went!
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ar Everyone,
I am absolutely thrilled to see how many of you believe in the value and importance of Zero-Waste Cooking, and actually want to support me to make this dream come true!
This Crowdfunding has been a tough road, it takes a lot of energy, and emotion, every day.
But thanks to YOU, I haven’t given up yet! You give me the strength to keep going, and the hope that I’m going to reach my goal.
Now, the countdown is on! There are only two more weeks to go and I need your support more than ever! Do you know anyone, who might be interested in ZERO-WASTE online cooking classes, recipes, or pro-chef tips?
Please share this Crowdfunding with as many people as possible! The more the better!
Fun Fact: The Reward ’1 Year of free Access’ is a big money-saver! If you actually want to join me in my cooking classes, this is the best value-for-money!
And my new Reward, ’Private Online Cooking Class’ makes a great Christmas Present for friends and family <-HINT HINT! :-)
Have a delicious day!
Chef Jo