Nice Time(s)

by waniouchka


Nice Time(s) talks about love and cinema. People like Alain Tanner, Claude Goretta, Freddy Buache and loads of others share their stories about the last 60 years of cinema in Switzerland.

CHF 6’330

105% of CHF 6’000

105 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

31 backers

Successfully concluded on 17/5/2014

«Nice Time(s) – Cine-club stories»

Once upon a time, in Switzerland, as to few remember, cinema was nothing more than a hobby for bored housekeepers and soldiers during military leave. Certainly was it carefully avoided by the upper class. It took a long path for the cinema to become a matter of interest nationwide. A path filled with rebellions against censorship, film robberies to avoid their destruction, rants by loudmouths, ideologues to fit ideologies, filmmakers to make films and «cinephiles» to watch them… and love them. This is what Nice Time(s) is about. Through memories and stories, we revisit a retrograde and traditionalist Switzerland where a handful of «cinephiles» went to war against censorship and politically correct thinking.

  • Tanner en tournage
    Tanner en tournage
  • Auditorium Arditi
    Auditorium Arditi

But who are these heroes ?

FREDDY BUACHE, founder of the swiss film archives. A highly colourful personnality, accused of trotskism… He used to steal films from distributors to save them from axe destruction at the end of their exploitation.

CLAUDE GORETTA, director of cinema and television, founder of the Geneva university film club and of the Groupe5 with Tanner.

ALAIN TANNER, had the two jobs you just can’t have in Switzerland : director and sailor. Goretta’s friend, cofounder of the Geneva university film club and of the Groupe5, fought alongside Buache to bring the cinema in the Constitution.

PIERRE BARDE, prolific TV director and living memory of these past 60 years historical events. He is one of the initiatior of this film project.

ETIENNE DUMONT, journalist. He’s a skillful storyteller mixing perfectly cynism with humor.

And so many others!

  • Etienne Dumont
    Etienne Dumont
  • Annie Lefèvre et Alain Tanner
    Annie Lefèvre et Alain Tanner
  • Pierre Barde
    Pierre Barde
  • Jacques Rial (publication co-écrite avec Freddy Buache)
    Jacques Rial (publication co-écrite avec Freddy Buache)
  • Pierre Biner
    Pierre Biner
  • François Albera et Johan van der Keuken
    François Albera et Johan van der Keuken
  • Freddy Buache
    Freddy Buache

How is this going to look like?

A 40 minutes film where all these characters tell us about their fights, their joys and griefs, and their desire to make cinema gain respectability. Of course, we couldn’t do without film excerpts when talking about cinema ! So there’s plenty of it…

But why do we need money for?

  • to pay the «plenty of film excerpts»!
  • to finish the post-production
  • and the bonuses, more of the interviews cut in the final editing