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Chers amis, dear friends
Grâce à votre soutien, mon film avance !!!!
Thanks to your support my film is making progress!!!
Je collabore maintenant avec le BBL (Brain Behaviour Laboratory) de Genève afin de créer un monde labyrinthique virtuel dans lequel je vais prochainement aller chercher mes organes (scènes de la plus haute importance)!
I am now collaborating with the BBL (brain behaviour laboratory)in Geneva, in order to create a labyrinthine virtual world, in which I will soon go search for my organs! (scene of the utmost importance)
Et je prépare l’exposition qui aura lieu début octobre à la galerie Suzanne Geiss à NY, exposition dédiée à ce projet.
And I prepare my show at the Suzanne Geiss company, NY, dedicated to this adventure that will open next october.
Attendez-vous à recevoir vos cadeaux et récompenses au tour de la date de l’exposition.
Be ready to receive your present and rewards around the time of the show.
**// Bon été //**@bientot
*// To a great summer time // **@morenewssoon
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The filming and sound recording is going great, the crew is very nice! Now we are stopped at the port for a few hours!
We almost reached 10 000 euros, Awsome!
As we say in french «the carotte are not cooked» yet and it is still possible to make it!
Please help me share the link for THE LAST 5 DAYS in the campaign. If any one of us finds a contributor for sure WE MAKE IT!!
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Avec la superbe composition de Laurent Bruttin/ With amazing composition from Laurent Bruttin