Pay Warrior aims to educate, enable, and engage working women about their workplace rights. Our first project analyses 1500+ case summaries (canton-level) of gender equality lawsuits in Switzerland.

CHF 1’670

33% di CHF 5’000

33 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

10 sostenitori

Concluso il 15.11.2024

8 days left, hurry upDi Kanchan, il 06.11.2024

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ar Community,

We have raised 33% of the target funding. That is awesome!

To bring it to the finish line we need more. Our project is in the direction to power women with facts, understanding, and play the bigger game at scale.

All starts with wiping out discrimination and pay gap. Let’s not repeat mistakes. My only appeal is that you come forward.

I am massively grateful for all the 10 backers. You instil hope. Thank you

Join the journey for yourself & women around you.

Best regards, Kanchan

We got our first backer Di Kanchan, il 07.10.2024

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I am super excited to share with the community that we got our first backer.

Whoever you are, I am very grateful to you.

Let’s keep going!!!

Pay Warrior