Weltraumschrott, -bergbau, und -tourismus machen deutlich: Wir brauchen ein 18. UN Sustainable Development Goal – unsere Weltraumumgebung und die Entwicklung einer Ethik der planetaren Nachhaltigkeit.

CHF 22’101

221% von CHF 10’000

221 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

44 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 13.4.2018

Update: Planetary Sustainability 2021Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 02.02.2021

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Dear backers of the 2018 project,

there are news on planetary sustainability: after I went with your help to the UNISPACE+50 millenium space conference, I was invited to both the UN World Space Forum 2019 and 2020 (which happened online). So I continued to work on the topic and now plan for a workshop update in April: #PLASUS21 is coming! This time I want to work on connecting space with the global sustainability discussion in a truly planetary manner.

To organize and evaluate the workshop, I go for another crowdfunding on this platform. I still have an account at the University of Bern, just that it is empty now. So I would like to fund 3 months of a 65% position. And yes, the pandemic hit me as well.

Unfortunately, the booster of the science booster is depleted, so we have to manage without this significant financial support. I am, however, convinced, it is possible!

Besides the workshop update, there is still the goal to bring an #SDG18 «Space Environment» on the political agenda. I have some important talks in these regards, starting in a few days. If you like these idea and consider supporting it again, go here: https://wemakeit.com/projects/planetary-sustainability-21

In any case, thank you once more for your great support in 2018!

This will remain the only notice you receive as backer of the previous project. If you want to stay informed on the current project, please choose the button «stay in the loop» with the new project.

Cordially, Andreas


Final NewsVon Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 15.05.2018

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Drawing: Carl Wilckens
Drawing: Carl Wilckens

Dear backers,

as you knew first, I go to UNISPACE+50, the millennium space event of the United Nations, not only as an observer of the high-level segment, but also as active participant in the preparatory event, which naturally prepares the main event. I am hence considered a leading expert on topic, which is something. The «high-level segment» means: I am watching the heads of states of the spacefaring nations (and their delegations) discussing in person. I will try to lobby within that framework also the idea of an 18. Sustainable Development Goal, our «Space Environment», and I will report what comes out of it. I thank the EXPLAINABLES again for having me make that point out. (More on them at the end of this news).

There will be a hall of fame of backers on the new website www.saveourplanet.info, matching the support category you chose. Please check your entry for correctness. If you do NOT want to be mentioned, please alert me soon.

Concerning goodies Emanuel or Melanie (my new assistant) will keep in touch. Emanuel is in charge of the process, but if you should face any problems with a delivery or with voicing your choice, you could also contact me directly.

There will be the opportunity to continue donating to the project, please use this account if you want to make use of this option: IBAN: CH92 0900 0000 3000 0406 7 Account owner: Finanzverwaltung des Kantons Bern, 3011 Bern Swift: POFICHBE Clearing: 09000 Reference: 1535 38-857 If you want, we are happy to thank you for this the same way we did thank during the running crowd funding, until our limited resources are exhausted.

If you want to stay informed with the project, simply subscribe to the project’s mailing list, to be found here: http://www.planetarysustainability.unibe.ch/



. PS Who are the Explainables?

Explainables.org is a science communication non-profit start-up that organically grew out of my network of science communicators who I met at events such as Famelab or Alan Alda Center workshops. The Explainables are a unique and diverse team of young communicators from a wide range of scientific and creative backgrounds, who all work on state-of-the-art frontiers in their sub-disciplines. We started the Explainables non-profit organization during my time as NASA fellow in the US, and are supported by the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science. I am looking forward to pursue these efforts also as a NCCR PlanetS ’in-kind’. I am convinced that explainables.org can become an example for how PlanetS fosters entrepreneurship within its members and at the same time help improve the communication culture within PlanetS.

What do we do?

At Explainables my team and I work on developing and implementing individually tailored communication workshop curricula for our clients’ classes. Furthermore, in our multi-disciplinary team our creatives closely work with our scientists to develop a variety of science communications products, such as websites, science blog post, or YouTube videos. Many examples can be found on our webpage. The recent highlight was a workshop for NASA Frontier Development Lab in Silicon Valley: http://www.explainables.org/new-blog/2017/9/8/nasa-space-science-meets-silicon-valley-artificial-intelligence-explainables-at-frontier-development-lab

Our workshops are as diverse as our team and will be custom tailored to your needs. We can offer workshops of different lengths: one hour basics seminars, short half/full day bootcamps or week long deep dives. Our exercises and short lectures are very modular and range from ’101-SciComm’ such as storytelling, message distilling, analogies & metaphors to classic improv like the mirror exercise or ’beaker bagle’. We offer training modules in writing for internet formats as well as trainings on camera for interviews. We can prepare you and your scholars focussed on a particular upcoming event or equip them with general communication skills.

Since we at Explainables strongly believe that Science Communication is not just public outreach we also provide insight on scientist to funding agency (proposal writing) or scientist to scientist (branding your research) communication. What we can always guarantee is that your participants will immediately communicate with each other in our highly interactive workshops. This is an important factor for volatile and multidisciplinary teams such as the community of PlanetS scientists with diverse background and high team turnarounds.

About the hoodiesVon Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 04.05.2018

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Hello backers,

cc the hoodies we have a question. Ideally, we would like to use sustainably produced hoodies from Wild (like for the T-Shirts), but they only exist in a version with a front zipper, no «Cangoroo» version. Would you (like me) prefer a Cangoroo hoodie or don’t you care about that? Please send me a short email with your opinion soon, or write into the commentaries.

Thank you so much


Another hooray :-)Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 27.04.2018

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Well, and another yay, I will >participate< in the UNISPACE+50 preparatory event, and later >observe< the high level segment as well. So lots of things to report to you backers!

To be honest, we also had some highlevel support. But financially, the crowdfunding was indeed very helpful. This way, I am probably continuously employed from now to December (if the sponsoring cogito foundation concurs), without any virtual or real unemployment break.

Talk to you later! This is an exciting early birthday!


PS Many thanks to «explainables» for helping me to clarify this aim of the campaign. More on that later as well.

Donation receipts: please check your dataVon Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 26.04.2018

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Hello everyone,

we received the money now. Hooray! Just in time (or even a bit early) for my birthday, yay! Please be so kind to CHECK YOUR DATA. If you are living in Switzerland, you will receive a donation receipt soon, your data provided. If you live outside Switzerland and want to give it a try with your financial authorities, please indicate so within the next few days. Concerning the goodies: we are working on them, first there has to be the logo, which is in the making. If we hear from the UN, we of course will also inform you.

Have a wonderful rest-of-the-week Andreas

Again, many thanks! (Some words of gratitude)Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 13.04.2018

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History as told is always a construction. And maybe it was a little more than an hour to prepare this campaign, actually I don’t recall it exactly. In any case it wasn’t well pre-paired. The budget was nonexistent for sure. It was getting increasingly risky towards the end, I had to pay everything privately for a start. But you made it happen! Thank you very, very much.

We will keep in touch concerning redeeming your rewards. First, we will need a logo, which will take about 2 months probably. While Antonio will work on that, we will take care of the highest quality for the goodies. You probably have free choice of size and between some shirt/maybe hoodie colors.

I think, as almost nobody chose the sun, you all have won a talk with me, well, if you want. Just let me know. I am bit busy these days, as the academic background project is a bit too successful, but there will always be a way, if you want.

My thanks go to • Wemakeit for providing a most intuitive platform • The Sciencebooster (Gebert Rüf Stiftung) for providing the adequate incentive and a lot of monetary blessings at the end • Benjamin Gräub from Ricolab for just the right donation at the right time • The friends of the Gornergrat observatory for being true friends • Antonio Meza for much more than we could expect • Astro-Comics.de for being quick and there when we needed you • Carl Wilckens for the very first cartoon (which will still be featured!) • The translators: – first of all my splendid colleague Zoe Lehmann for polishing my quirky English – Jacques Arnould (himself) for the French version – for the Spanish version: Kristhell Ramos – for later translations I do thank Google • Aanchal M. from India for making me think about a campaign for everyone • Octavio Chon from Peru for most interesting nightly discussions • Antonio L. for continuous feedback and a great idea • Emanuel for being the world-class assistant he is and having super backing connections • All early backers from the «protoplanetary disc» for having so much confidence • Everyone who shared and forwarded news about the campaign • Each and every amount you provided to make this possible • Life for being so interesting these days

We’ll stay in touch!

Andreas (who needs to sleep )

PS If you are interested in learning more about planetary sustainability, have a look at www.planetarysustainability.info, where also all my future talks and lectures are registered (under «Project»).

OK, maybe it is a bit expensive...Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 13.04.2018

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…as these are donations, BUT have a close look at the KUIPER BELT reward level. You won’t regret it!

We will, maybe, need a minimum production to print it. In that case you can still donate «offline»: same «pricing», same rewards (insofar available). Comet shower and Asteroid belt apply, but no Kuiper belt anymore, sorry.

Do go shopping now! Andreas

You should read this (before it’s too late)Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 13.04.2018

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You maybe think «Why more news? - they did it!» Well, please do read the full news before now. Thank you. Andreas

Merci beaucoup! & now to consider...Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 13.04.2018

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Hello beloved backers!

We thank you again and very much so! We made it! Hooray! Emanuel gets his job back, and an assistant, and it is by the way probable now that we can go on in this constellation until the end of the year. About the UN conference, I will keep you updated, whatever happens.

Now you can still choose unique rewards. The Centauri, for instance, if you want to have a chance (chance!) to say Brian May hello. Or Helvetia, if you want to visit the Gornergrat observatory. Or one of our cool goodies, of course.

And here is something for our non-Swiss Europeans: you maybe wondered about the Swiss income level, rightly so. You would wonder also about the price level for everything here, but anyways. Nevertheless, people here seem to be well-off, for sure. One thing I learned while doing this not-so-planned-project was exactly the difference of income levels around the planet. And maybe for a one-day planetary movement another location would be better.

Now still imagine you could get a poster signed by THE Antonio Meza for only 50 EURO. How cool! That’s below his usual charge, and it looks of course very very cool. Yea well, CHF are somewhat less than EURO remember? And now… think on. How about an Antonio Meza Super Limited Edition (there WON’T be excess production, as I promised) Hoodie? High-quality hoodies are not cheap. And this? For only 150 CHF (not: EUR), delivered at home, sounds maybe even reasonable… So do go shopping. You may shop gifts for Christmas. Please don’t sell anything, however, you have to promise that. - And I don’t want to think what I would do if I would live in Switzerland and all I would have to do is giving a DONATION?! Seriously?

If I would be allowed to do it, I would actually book all the bundle categories… KUIPER BELT, COMET SHOWER etc. Problem is, i am not allowed so. So sorry. This is for you, my backers. I only told my family my next (& limited) Christmas wishes, if you understand….

And for those of you who want to care for others, too, there is the Milky Way and related rewards: Visible Star and Stardust. Maybe consider giving a little extra to this cause by booking one of the two. And if you are well of, consider booking the whole Milky Way thing. You won’t regret what you did for science.

I guess this campaign is legendary. Because of you, oh most worthy of backers, who helped us step by step to achieve what we got. I don’t know how many ethical or theological or even science educational crowdfundings there have been before…

The credits and detailed thanks will follow after the campaign. Now consider donating happily on, for us, for the project, for ESSSAT (stretch goal), for Latinamerica (star rewards), for the UN (aim), and of course, for our planet. Still a few hours to go.

I do plan to start a movement. Be part of it now.


Look at the stars…. (about the Milky Way reward)Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 13.04.2018

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…how they shine for us! Thank you, each & everyone for your contributions! The missing 100 CHF will surely come in soon, won’t they? My long silence, by the way, was due to a nasty technical bug.

Now we are almost done I wanted to explain why there is this Milky Way Reward level, well, beyond expanding your donor imagination. Make sure, as it is a reward, and not excess money, the topic of the conference does not have to be planetary sustainability, though it might be related. I can say only this: it is obviously about science, it will involve me (and Emanuel, if he wants), and it will be somewhere in Latin America, of course. You can actually expect some high-level impact on science itself, I assume. And I am not allowed to tell you more. (If you want to know what I, as a theologian, have to do with science, have a look at my featured publication, image above.)

As being hinted at, almost all of the money that is used for this reward flows into the planned conference. We will allocate all new «visible stars» and all «star dust» income to this cause as well (in case you want to support it and don’t have 10000 CHF at hand ;-)). The many for one goal!

So as everything is excess money now, this way you can choose your cause: a planetary sustainability talk at ESSSAT in Lyon/France (almost any excess money) or supporting science in Latinamerica (only Stardust, Visible Star and Milky Way reward levels).

Have a good night / morning & go on donating, please!


100 CHF left - you can make it a success tonight!Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 12.04.2018

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Hello backers,

you read right. Be the one and go ahead!


PS Many thanks to Ricolab.

It's getting tightVon Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 12.04.2018

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Hello backers,

so looks like it is getting tight. If we dont have some major impact today, we will get nothing - and you neither, except your money back.

Wouldn’t that be quite the pity? Imagine all the Mugs, T-Shirts and Hoodies you do not get. No trip to the Gornergrat, no nothing. Just your investment is safe, as it always was.

If we reach for the stars, that might happen. If you, however, want another result, consider donating a little extra. Or maybe even more than a little, as we need substantial impact.

Remember, everything you give is a donation to the University of Bern. That’s why the goodies are so pricy, if you understand.

Today is the last day to change things for the better. The last day to make this scientific and ethical crowdfunding a success. Please go ahead.


Lunch time... enjoy the sun!Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 11.04.2018

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…and by the way. Did you see? In a system far, far away, a new star is risen! Viva Helvetia!


A new dayVon Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 11.04.2018

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯Hoppla, das Video wurde vom Projektinitianten entfernt.

Good morning backers,

we start this new day with a «video» of the cup marvelous Emanuel has composed (what would I do without this assistant?). Enjoy the eye impression, you could hold it in your hands!

The «problem» with Antonio Meza’s cartoons is - you might have noticed - they are simply too good to realize how good and adapted to their purpose they are. Only at the very end you will see, and still be astonished. Enjoy shopping, I mean donating.

And finally, the two most important (and most expensive) promotional campaigns will start only today. So we will see what happens.

Have a wonderful morning


PS Small extra hint for early readers: Antonio charges normally for a poster with signature more than they are now. So actually you get a discount while still donating…

What about our goal? Do we go to the UN conference or not?Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 10.04.2018

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Taken from http://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/unispaceplus50/symposium.html
Taken from http://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/unispaceplus50/symposium.html

Dear backers,

sorry, unfortunately we don’t know yet and we can’t tell you. If you have a look at http://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/unispaceplus50/symposium.html, you will see the red marked extension of the deadline. That is new, so we can’t say anything in these regards, at least not within the limits of this crowdfunding. I am sorry. (We will of course tell you whenever we know after the campaign.)

I had hope for a boost of the funding campaign a positive answer provided, but as there is no result, I guess there is no boost. At least you can see on the website that academic personal is invited. Rest assured, the academic background project is totally serious.

Remains the question where are all the other promotional boosts? The problem with crowdfunding is, you never know when something happens, nor sometimes even if, so it looks like now there is still quite some way to go.

So be so kind if you wanted to donate a little more or anything else from the rewards, not to wait until the last minute. You will save me quite some nerves at least. As the initial budget was 50 CHF, everything else I had to pay in advance privately. I hope you understand. I can get it back of course, if we succeed, but well, if.

So much for this day, have a good night and a good (or better) start tomorrow!


PS And the short preparation time of the campaign also means: i had to do everything «on the fly». You can imagine the efforts the last 4 weeks.

Stretchgoal #1 cancelled, but...Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 10.04.2018

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Hello backers,

our first stretchgoal, the campaign logo, has been cancelled. Why is that? The reason is simply I want to make use of the logo as of the complementary cool domain www.saveourplanet.info at least for a sustainable, so lasting website, if not for a «planetary» movement. (Just an idea for now, well, we will see.)

Nevertheless, you will have it on your goodies, as promised, because I will pay privately for it and donate its use for the campaign.

TL:DR There will always be something meaningful coming up now and in the future when you enter the apropriate URL how to save our planet: www.saveourplanet.info. So much for that!

Thereby ESSSAT (as sorts of a field of which this project emerged) is stretchgoal #1 und #2 for now. If you have any suggestions for further stretch goals (something science educational, for instance?), PLEASE let me know. We do expect some promotional impact soon.


Reminder: Everything you give is a donationVon Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 10.04.2018

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Hello backers,

we just wanted to remind you, that everything you give in our favour is a donation to the University of Bern. The rewards are just our little «thank you». The plus of it: your donation is of course tax deductible in Switzerland.

Cheers, Andreas

T-Shirts und HoodiesVon Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 09.04.2018

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Hello backers,

today just a short notice: in general, we strive to fulfill your wishes. Aware of the goodies not being exactly cheap, we take care of an excellent and sustainable quality of T-Shirts and Hoodies. The choice of colours will quite strongly be limited, but the seizes we try to arrange to everybody’s liking.

Remember, all rewards, including T-shirts, Hoodies and Mugs are campaign exclusive. From this week’s Friday 12:47 on, they will be gone. Never ever to come back.

So maybe have another look at the motives, you can choose from the Astro-Comics version and Antonio Meza’s ones (read the subtitles of the images to know which are which). If you should like them, remember: in 4 days from now, they will vanish. Only the ones you ordered until then will last.


PS The final shape of the goodies may vary.

Preparations for the last 5 days and stretch goalsVon Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 08.04.2018

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Hello backers!

So, the last 5 days could become interesting. We should maybe mention that the preparation period for this campaign has been more or less 1 hour all together, and the initial budget 50 CHF. Yes, you heard right. It looks damn good, compared to that.

There is, however, also still some way to go. Go for it! - and you never know. Thinks could accelerate very quickly, as we will of course do some promotions to make this campaign a success. So maybe, when you read this, do check if you do not want something from the list that is somewhat limited.

Also, do drop by the next 4 days from time to time, as there will eventually be more limited rewards. Everything in this campaign is «on the fly», so exciting objects could be sighted. No promises, but those for real!

We already declared what we want to do with any excess money, I mean, in general. We have more concrete plans now, which we want to reveal. Just in case things could evolve quickly.

We unfortunately can’t say for sure now, when the first stretch goal hits in. This is, because we first have to fulfill all rewards. So, for instance, when someone chooses the MILKY WAY (just in case), we are way more than only done. Almost the full amount of that reward level (10.000 CHF), however, is in this case used for the reward itself. So, no stretch goals yet. When we reach a surplus amount on a more normal way, we still have to distribute all the goodies. So, reservations apply, but in general these are the stretch goals:

GOAL 1: A campaign logo (Earth with «saveourplanet.info») to be applied on each and every goodie. Designed by Antonio Meza. Nothing more to say. (It will take a little while to get it, but «quality first» in any case!)

GOAL 2: Sponsor an evening reception on Planetary Sustainability at the ESSSAT Conference in Lyon, 2 weeks from now. ESSSAT is a superb collective of not only European science & religion scholars, and we want to seize the opportunity to present the project in front of this distinguished audience. www.esssat.eu

GOAL 3: Additionally, sponsor the three ESSSAT prizes this year. I have been organizing them this time, was part of both juries and know simply how excellent the winners are (they got instant publication offers and things like that). It is almost funny, that there is no sponsor yet, and I think our project is a very worthy sponsor to have its name on the awards. (And by the way, chances are high now, our little project will go on for some time and maybe even expand.)

More goals to be revealed, if necessary. Suggestions?

Remember, the campaign ends Friday 12:46 lunch time. That is more or less 5 days from now. If you want to celebrate with us that time in Bern (we hope there is a reason), do send me a mail.

There will also be a public talk on Tuesday night (10. April, 7pm, UniS Building, University of Bern): «Is the sustainable survival of humankind of value?» Very explorative topic, and a really good brain teaser, you will see. Watch the poster of this news.

Have a very nice sunday and stay tuned


What is the Centauri reward level about?Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 07.04.2018

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We all mourned the loss of Stephen Hawking these days. Did you know there is a Stephen Hawking medal? «Under the name of the greatest scientist of the 20th and early 21st centuries, Stephen Hawking, and sponsored by Starmus, the most ambitious Science festival of all time, the Stephen Hawking Science Medal is a prestigious award which recognizes the merit of popular science on an international level.» Neil de Grasse Tyson, composer Hans Zimmer and the Big Bang Theory sitcom won it. They have of course been there. …and you got it, Starmus is not some minor event.

Starmus will be in Bern. 2019. Speakers will be people like Astrophysicist & Queen-Guitarist Brian May, the Grand Dame of SETI Jill Tarter, Emanuelle Charpentiere (the CRISPR-Lady), Richard Dawkins, Royal Astronomer Martin Rees, couple of astronauts and further noble laureates , not to speak of Michel Mayor and Willy Benz (supporting the academic background project, by the way).

I have the honor of being part of the City Program Group, and probably do some cute side event. That’s probably the sole reason why I was allowed to offer you three VIP tickets (the Centauri rewards) to this festival. Besides the not-so-cheap base fare, it will probably include some meet & greet. With one of these guys…. Let’s see, do you have a wish? I will do my best.

You guessed it, it’s worth the investment. Do invest before other people become aware… all these holiday returners and newsletter readers….and before the radio reports….


(Who does his best to make us get Sheldon. )


Last few days....Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 06.04.2018

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COMET: T-Shirt and Poster
COMET: T-Shirt and Poster

I know we are mean. We just change and publish the images of the goodies in Antonio’s version without even notifying you. (Well, now you know what you would miss. Campaign exclusive, remember. Something even limited.) And we even could go on with that, regarding new rewards which you DON’T want to miss. So that’s us. That’s how we greet the weekend. And that’s how we start into the last few days of our cute little campaign www.saveourplanet.info. Which doesn’t have a logo YET.

Enough with all these hints. Now it is up to you to MAKE IT POSSIBLE to get ANYTHING you WANT. Spread the word about our campaign. Talked to everybody you know already? Argue for the cause. Remember falling space stations. And BOOK your next reward.

We are almost there, remember. Almost. Not yet. Without 4000 CHF more there will be NOTHING. Prohibit that with your commitment. Thank you. So much.

& see you soon


Antonio Meza Goodies (sketches)Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 02.04.2018

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Hello backers,

so here is what Antonio offers us. I personally think, the quality is maybe a bit too good ;-) What do I mean by that? There is an obvious surface level, which is quite funny, but there are so many nice and cute details, especially with the comet motive, you may need a while to get them all.

So it is a truly lifetime goodie! People will envy you for that one day, keep that in mind. And maybe order a little more!

Remember, all Antonio Meza motives will also be COLORED IN FULL.

As being said, we are nevertheless trying to make it possible that you can simply choose the design (Antonio Meza or astro-comics) that you want. We are on that task, currently.

Have a nice one,


P.S. There are still Antonio Meza signed posters (Perseids). Seriously? Maybe first have a google, and then… go for it!

Perseides (Limited Antonio Meza Edition)Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 02.04.2018

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Antonio Meza comet motive (sketch)
Antonio Meza comet motive (sketch)

Hello early backers,

for a start we reveal to you the «comet» motive from Antonio Meza. In any case, it will be our poster design, and now is the chance to catch one of the only 25 posters signed by Antonio Meza himself. They are limited, and available now, have a look for the «Perseides». …and enjoy the laugh when you look at his marvellous sketch, remembering the slogan «COMETS. Leading the way since the old days.»

This is our thank you for a very supportive community. Merci!

Have a nice evening all,


P.S. As you can see now, the poster will be colored in full.

Es wird spannend / It's getting interestingVon Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 31.03.2018

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Hello Backers,

as our German speaking friends have the video for them, this news is in English again. Basically, we submitted the application to the UN conference…. and hope for the best! If you go on backing us and invest in our nice goodies, we will actually have the time to take care of everything before and after such an important conference.

So, have a look, if there is not maybe another reward you would like. Only the first design is out, but we will try (can’t promise it yet) to enable each and everyone to choose the design he/she likes best! This will probably be more easy, the more goodies you take, so go ahead, spread the word, support our good cause and have another look, as I said.


P.S. Goodies are BACKERS EXCLUSIVE and only available during the campaign (with exception of maybe few leftovers). P.P.S. Unfortunately, DIMIDIUM is already taken. Sorry! Please regard also our last news in this respect. P.P.P.S. Happy Easter, everyone! P.P.P.P.S. Watch out for space station junk …. (just shooting stars, don’t worry)

What do we do with the excess money?Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 29.03.2018

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Dear backers,

we are half way done! Thank you so much! There is still some way to go, but hopefully we will master that as well.

While you are as thrilled as us to learn about the drafts of the second competitor concerning the look of our goodies, Antonio Meza, we wanted to clarify what exactly we do with any excess money when the crowd should suddenly start to gather massively or such.

Now, spending the money is constrained by several factors:

  • it needs to be aiming at me (or my assistant Emanuel)
  • it needs to be spent in Bern
  • it needs to be about science
  • and we even promised something outside Switzerland…

So how do we do that? We actually had a wonderful idea. We will set up a FUND to be used exclusively for one of the following purposes:

  • our science related travel to destinations outside Switzerland
  • translations of scientific texts (so the texts «travel» as well)
  • co-sponsoring of scientific events that involve us

So, ideally, someone in India could convince us to go there on our own costs, give a lecture, and return. Or we could even help with the event. Backers, this is truly planetary, isn’t it?

While we (hopefully) spread planetary sustainability this way in the future, consider booking some more rewards, especially goodies. You should know that the GOODIES ARE LIMITED. You can only get them while the campaign runs (only maybe a very few leftovers thereafter), and that’s it.

So have look… and maybe consider the KUIPER BELT. It’s a big bargain, but only 5 times there. And yea, sorry, we know. DIMIDIUM is gone. Can’t help it. Better check the other limited offers quickly, hmm? (Watch it, new ones might pop up from time to time)

And now: book your rewards (to show off later), spread the word and let’s go for the 100%!


Your project team

«Be part of our seriosly cool movement!»

How do our goodies look? (First competitor)Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 27.03.2018

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  • Mug
  • T-Shirt
  • Hoodie

Hello backers,

so we asked two competitors to kindly present us sketches for our three goodies (Mug, T-Shirt, and Hoodie): the first to present his ideas is Tim Ruster (www.astro-comics.de). We think his ideas look quite cool (just design patents for now)!

There will be, nevertheless, a more than serious (and fun!) competitor, Antonio Meza (www.antoons.net/), who will present a little later. Stay tuned, you as backers will have the choice!

And now spread the word about this very serious AND very cool project, and book our rewards, there are already some new ones available, like Dimidium, the first exoplanet.

Should you have the time to be around Bern on 10 April, I will give a talk at the University on «Is the sustainable survival of humankind of value?», which, if answered yes, has quite far-reaching implications.

Laters everyone, Andreas

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At our last workshop about ethical guidelines for human activities in our space environment we addressed important ideas and mechanisms how to prevent human caused problems in our near space environment, which also could affect a healthy living on Earth. The next crucial step is to raise awareness for these points and get these into the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Those goals cover almost every development aspect, besides that Earth is a planet with a space environment which is exploited as well. For this we need your help: support our crowdfunding initiative to fund our participation at UNISPACE+50, the first UN Space conference in the new millennium.

What exactly do we do with the money? The ORIGINAL AMOUNT asked for, including the duplication of the amount by the science booster channel (into which we have been graciously adopted), minus platform fees (10%), goes to the original idea, going to the UN Conference, and lobbying the 18th SDG (Sustainable Development Goal).

The conference takes place mid-June, my position is finished end of that month, so it would be really good to extend it by 1 month. (I know this is not ideal for a crowdfunding, and I am working on another solution, but that’s unfortunately not for sure at this point.) If we are funded, also my assistant Emanuel can then be re-employed from May to July (including), so the conference preparations can run smoothly.

In that extra month, I will continue lobbying and talking, plus I will write an analysis of what happened and submit it to a high-level journal. I will also write a report on what has been achieved regarding our 18. Sustainable Development Goal to be published on our website; this report will be translated into three further languages, through our backers’ support.

Plus, Emanuel, for whom this fundraising also somewhat is undertaken, gets «his own assistant» for the time being, so he learns to be a good superior himself, and also, together we are even more effective.

Important Addition! All EXCESS MONEY beyond the original amount goes to another, developmental goal outside Switzerland, involving science, yet to be revealed. Emanuel and me agreed on that. We of course first have to fulfill all rewards.

And if I am not allowed into the UN conference? With some support, I will. And if not, we will discuss with our backers what to do.

More info: www.saveourplanet.info (yes, it’s a planet!)

What exactly do we do with the money (if we succeed)?Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 21.03.2018

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The ORIGINAL AMOUNT asked for, including the science booster duplication, minus platform fees (10%), goes to the original idea, going to the UN Conference, and lobbying the 18th SDG (Sustainable Development Goal).

The conference takes place mid June, my position is finished end of that month, so it would be really good to extend it by 1 month. (I know this is not ideal for a crowdfunding, and I am working on another solution, but that’s unfortunately not for sure at this point.) If you do fund us, also my assistant Emanuel can be re-employed from May to July (including), then.

In that extra month, I will continue lobbying and talking, and I will also write a report on the conference for you to read, plus I will write an article and submit to a high-level journal. The report will be translated into three further languages, through your support.

Plus, Emanuel also gets «his own assistant» for the time being, so he learns to be a good superior himself.

IMPORTANT! All EXCESS MONEY beyond the original amount goes to another, developmental goal outside Switzerland, yet to be revealed. Emanuel and me agreed on that. (Edit: We of course first have to fulfill all rewards.)

And if I am not allowed into the UN conference? With some support, I will. And if not, we will discuss with you what to do.

And as not all of us speak Spanish...Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 21.03.2018

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Jetzt kann wirklich jeder Teil unseres wahrhaft planetarischen Projekts werden!

Wenn du dich um unseren Planeten kümmern und dich für unser Projekt engagieren willst, aber nicht so viel Geld hast, ist das kein Problem: Du kannst ab 1 CHF über die Plattform spenden.

Wenn das immer noch zu viel wäre, oder wenn du nur Paypal hast, freuen wir uns natürlich auch über dein Engagement. Nun, diese Plattform erlaubt Paypal nicht, aber wir kennen einen guten und absolut zuverlässigen Kerl, der ASPAST in Peru betreibt (das sind 30.000 Astrobiologie Fans), Octavio Chon heisst er. Sein Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/OctavioChonTorres Er wird eure Namen notieren und eure Mikrodonationen sammeln und sie von Zeit zu Zeit in einem Haufen hierhin transferieren. Und alle eure Namen werden auf der Website (zumindest) erwähnt, unter einem sehr schönen Titel, der «STERNENSTAUB» heisst. Weil wir alle Sternenstaub sind.


Now, everyone can become part of our truly planetary project!

When you want to take care of our planet and want to commit yourself to our project, but do not have so much money, that is no problem at all: you can donate from 1 CHF on via the platform.

If that would still be too much, or if you only have Paypal to use, we of course welcome your commitment equally. Now this platform does not allow Paypal, but we know a good and totally reliable guy, who runs ASPAST in Peru (those are 30.000 astrobiology fans), Octavio Chon his name. His Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/OctavioChonTorres He will note down your names and collect your microdonations and transfer them here in a bunch from time to time. And ALL of your names will be mentioned on the website (at least), under a very nice title even, which is «STARDUST». Because, we are all…


Maintenant, tout le monde peut faire partie de notre projet véritablement planétaire!

Quand vous voulez prendre soin de notre planète et que vous voulez vous engager dans notre projet, mais que vous n’avez pas beaucoup d’argent, ce n’est pas un problème: vous pouvez faire un don de 1 CHF via la plateforme.

Si ce serait encore trop, ou si vous avez seulement Paypal à utiliser, nous nous félicitons bien entendu de votre engagement. Maintenant, cette plate-forme ne permet pas Paypal, mais nous connaissons un gars bon et totalement fiable, qui gère ASPAST au Pérou (ce sont 30.000 fans d’astrobiologie), Octavio Chon son nom. Son Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/OctavioChonTorres Il notera vos noms et recueillera vos microdonations et les transférera ici dans un groupe de temps en temps. Et TOUS vos noms seront mentionnés sur le site (au moins), sous un très joli titre même, qui est «POUSSIERE D’ETOILES». Parce que, nous sommes tous …

Dos cosas para nuestros amigos que hablan españolVon Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 21.03.2018

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A protoplanetary Disc (Picture credits: ESO)
A protoplanetary Disc (Picture credits: ESO)

1) Los primeros 20 patrocinadores (de cualquier cantidad) recibirán una mención especial. Sus nombres se marcarán con un asterisco * con lo siguiente: «* Estos partidarios son los primeros en aportar y pertenecen al título de DISCO PROTOPLANETARIO (PROTOPLANETARY DISK). Esta es la etapa anterior a la formación de planetas y similares. Todo en esa fase se encuentra en su comienzo y no se puede ver qué cosa saldrá de él.»

2) ¡Ahora todos pueden convertirse en parte de nuestro proyecto auténticamente planetario! Si quieres cuidar de nuestro planeta y participar en nuestro proyecto y no sabe cómo, no hay problema: puede donar desde 1 dólar a través de la plataforma.

Si no posee los medios para hacerlo, o si solo tiene Paypal, basta con su compromiso personal de ayudar al planeta y con eso estaremos contentos.

Esta plataforma no permite Paypal, pero conocemos a un tipo bueno y totalmente confiable que ejecuta ASPAST en Perú (son 30,000 fanáticos de astrobiología), llamado Octavio Chon. Su Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/OctavioChonTorres Grabará sus nombres y recogerá sus microdonaciones y las transferirá de manera actualizada aquí. Y todos sus nombres serán por lo menos mencionados en el sitio web, bajo un título muy bonito: «STARDUST», porque todos somos polvo de estrellas.

Special mention for «early birds»!Von Dr. Andreas Losch, MBA, am 20.03.2018

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Wir danken allen allersten Backern! Ihr werdet im Übrigen besonders gewürdigt. Die Namen der allersten 20 (jedweder Summe) werden auf der Webseite und Publikationen mit einem Sternchen* versehen, mit dem Hinweis: «* Diese Unterstützer sind aus der allersten Stunde und gehören zur PROTOPLANETAREN SCHEIBE. Das ist die Situation, bevor sich der Planet formt. Es ist noch alles sehr früh, und man kann noch nicht sehen, was wird. Es sind also die allerkühnsten.»

Und nun: MERCI und bitte weitersagen! Lasst es uns gemeinsam schaffen, wir haben echte Chancen!

We thank all the very best backers! You deserve a distinction, by the way. The very first 20 backers (of any amount) will receive a special mention. Their names will be marked with an asterisk* with the text: «* These supporters are the early birds and belong to the PROTOPLANETARY DISK. This is the stage before the planets and all the other constituents form. Everything is very early, and you can’t yet see what will become out of it. These are the keenest ones.»

And now: THANK YOU SO MUCH, and spread the word! Let’s do this, we have real chances of success!

Nous remercions tous ceux qui ont répondu si vite! Les 20 premiers contributeurs (quel que soit le montant) recevront une distinction. Leurs noms seront marqués d’un astérisque * et accompagnés du texte suivant : «* Les premiers contributeurs appartiennent au DISQUE PROTOPLANETAIRE. C’est l’étape avant que les planètes et tous les autres constituants. À ce stade précoce, il n’est pas possible de deviner le futur. Donc, ils sont les plus audacieux.»

Et maintenant: MERCI et passez! Faisons-le, nous avons de réelles chances de succès!

(Versión en español en preparación)