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ar All!
Many many thanks for your amazing support during the whole campaign! We managed to have 49 fantastic supporters (backers) and we managed to collect enough money to finance one classroom! Can’t wait to see how the classroom will be filled with happiness and positivity! The Emergency Architecture & Human Rights team is already in Azraq and with the local partners they are already doing the preparation. Please check this short video by Helping Refugees in Jordan to see the current state of the site: https://www.facebook.com/HelpingSyrianRefugeesJordan/videos/1371406006336089/
We will keep you informed about the developments and we will send you the rewards in the upcoming few days, 1-2 weeks.
Cheers, the project TEAM
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Here is Wesam’s presentation he had during our offline event in Zürich! He talks about the building materials and forms we are going to use to build the buildings of the school campus! Very interesting details! Go for it! We have a few more days to collect the needed money! We don’t give up the «fight», so please join us! Invite your friends and family to support this school project! #manysmallmakeagreat
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Thanks to Ben Muschg from werk, bauen + wohnen, we were just presented on the magazine’s online pages! Thanks Ben! He was also there on our offline event at the Architekturforum Zürich, so he was able to learn more about the situation, … from our guests and team.
Great summary about the goals, first project in Za’atari and currently running project in Azraq! We hope it will generate some discussion in the Swiss architecture society and hopefully there will be more individuals and firms who will support the school project! Please share this article in your network and invite your friends and family to learn more about the project and to support it!
Article on the wbw’s webpage: https://www.wbw.ch/de/mehr-werk/werk-notiz/mit-lehm-gegen-die-bildungskrise.html
Post on the wbw’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/werkbauenundwohnen/?fref=mentions
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ar All, on our offline crowdfunding event in Zürich, Jorge Lobos - founder of the Emergency Architecture & Human Rights was talking about the importance of education in the region of Azraq. Please check his short presentation and let us know if you have any further questions! We still have a lot to do, so please do contact your friends and family one by one to ask their support too! MANY SMALL MAKE A GREAT! We really want to make this school happen. Thanks, Bence Komlósi and the project team
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Yesterday, we had an amazing offline crowdfunding event at the Architekturforum Zürich! Moving and inspiring presentations by our guests and partner, strong discussions and important chats! Check the photos of the event on our Facebook page! It was great and empowering to see the representatives of the world-architects.com and werk, bauen + wohnen! https://www.facebook.com/architectureforrefugeesschweiz/posts/1845745589052960
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We will have 4 presentations on the 7th of June in Zürich on our offline crowdfunding event. Jorge and Wesam will represent the Emergency Architecture & Human Rights. You can also check them on their webpage: http://ea-hr.org/index/our_team/ And here is the link of the Event’s Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/225049984913934/ Please join us and bring your friends and family! Sharing is caring!
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Check this image by @EAHR! This is going to be the site of the new school campus!
#REPOST / EAHR in Azraq, Jordan / This is the plot where the new campus-school is going to be built during the next three months. EAHR is building in partnership with @thesyriafund , Helping Refugees in Jordan and Nashmiat al Badiya and in collaboration with @architectureforrefugees
Support refugee children visiting the following link: http://ea-hr.org/index/100-classrooms-for-refugees-children/
#eahr #100classroomsforrefugees #architecture #architectureisahumanright #education #refugees #school
source: https://www.facebook.com/architecturehumanrights/photos/a.1665061363728312.1073741828.1559779917589791/2139637856270658/?type=3&theater accessed 31. May, 2018.
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Besides the online crowdfunding campaign, we are also organising an offline event to inform the society about the project! The presentations-discussion-drinks event in the Architekturforum Zürich will be on the 7th of June! Join us if you are around and invite your friends too!
Program of the Evening 18:00 - Arriving - chit-chat and drinks 19:00 - Presentations (4 presentations - max. 40 minutes)
- Introduction - Architecture for Refugees - AfR
- The importance of education - Sedni, a Syrian refugee living in Switzerland
- The «100 classrooms & football fields» project serie and the new school project in Azraq, Jordan - Wesam Asali (Emergency Architecture & Human Rights - EAHR)
- Building with local materials - Roger Boltshauser (Boltshauser Architekten) 19:45 - Announcement - CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN - How can you support the school project in Azraq, Jordan? 20:00 - Discussion and Q&A 20:30 - Apéro
Programm des Abends 18:00 - Eintreffen der Gäste, erste Gespräche und Getränke 19:00 - Präsentationen (je 10 min.)
- Einführung - Architecture for Refugees (AfR)
- Die Wichtigkeit von Bildung - Sedni, aus der Sicht einer syrischen Flüchtlinge in der Schweiz
- Die «100 classrooms & football fields» Projektserie und das neue Schulprojekt in Azraq, Jordanien - Wesam Asali, Emergengy Architecture & Human Rights (EAHR)
- Bauen mit lokalen Materialien - Roger Boltshauser (Boltshauser Architekten) 19:45 - Ankündigung, CROWDFUNDING KAMPAGNE: Wie können Sie das Schulprojekt in Azraq, Jordanien, unterstützen? 20:00 - Diskussion, Fragen&Antworten 20:30 - Apéro
Event’s Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/225049984913934/