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292successful projects close to Espagne in agriculture

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Espagne. But this may be of interest to you.

Food and Agriculture



by Olivenfarmvalenciana

Wir stellen traditionell spanisches Olivenöl her. Wir besitzen ein kleines Feld mit 60 Bäumen in der Region Valencia. Unsere Oliven werden von Hand gepflückt & kaltgepresst zu wohlschmeckendem Öl.

101 %
EUR 3’540
8 backers
Climate protection practice

Science, agriculture, and Environment


We give the water back to the soil, thus making vegetation and soil development possible. Support us in establishing agroforestry systems and help to have a positive influence on the climate.

143 %
CHF 7’865
57 backers
Regenerative Nursery Mértola

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


Regenerative Nursery Mértola

by Marta Cortegano, Terra Sintrópica, and Katharina Serafimova

Our organic nursery ensures access to climate adapted seeds and seedlings for the regeneration projects in Mértola. We envision resilience and diversity for a region highly affected by desertification

112 %
CHF 56’213
173 backers
Wasser für Estrafego

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


Wir wollen mit unserem Engagement der Natur etwas zurückgeben. Dazu brauchen wir Wasser! Für den täglichen Unterhalt und den weiteren Ausbau des Permakultur-Gartens und des Renaturierungsprojekts.

123 %
EUR 7’421
39 backers
Organic Farm in the desert

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


Organic Farm in the desert

by Organic Farm in Morocco‘s Desert

We want to make the desert green and stop desertification! Our farm is 100% organic, including dates, olives, lemons and many other trees and vegetables. Where there is love 4 nature, there is life.

104 %
CHF 5’236
54 backers
Cocoa Valley Chocolate

Food, agriculture, and Fair Trade

Annecy, Geneva, and Bangangte

Cocoa Valley Chocolate

by COCOA VALLEY Chocolats Bio Pure origine Cameroun

Our project is to create a workshop from the processing beans to the tablet for individuals and professionals.
Our recipes are original and authentic.

114 %
CHF 26’392
81 backers
Restauration chalet

Agriculture and Environment


Mon projet consiste à réussir restaurer un petit chalet et acquérir des outils indispensables pour l'entretien du terrain qui va servir à cultiver des fruits et légumes.

100 %
CHF 5’000
3 backers
Les marchés D'ici-Même

Food and Agriculture

Geneva and Lausanne

Aussergewöhnliche Märkte für intelligente Verbraucher! Bestelle übers Internet. Hol’ deine Produkte ganz in deiner Nähe ab. Triff die Produzenten und geniesse regional!

134 %
CHF 16’080
67 backers
Ôcave aux Eaux-Vives

Food, agriculture, and Community


Ôcave débarque aux Eaux-Vives et ouvre sa cave de dégustation pour vous faire découvrir ses belles sélections de vins d’ici et d’ailleurs. Rejoignez l'aventure !

123 %
CHF 18’580
95 backers
Your help for their growth

Agriculture, Environment, and Education


Your help for their growth

by DERES and Projets Responsables

5 étudiantes de l’université de Genève oeuvrant pour fournir 25 kits de micro-jardinage à 25 jeunes burkinabé-es afin qu’iels puissent subvenir à leurs besoins grâce au jardinage urbain!

102 %
CHF 1’020
15 backers
Prix Climat

Agriculture, Community, and Environment

Geneva and Bern

Prix Climat

by Klima-Allianz Schweiz

Unterstütze uns, den ersten Prix Climat an innovative Landwirt:innen zu vergeben. Mit Videos dokumentieren wir klimafreundliche Betriebe & Menschen und ehren Landwirt:innen mit dem Klimapreis.

240 %
CHF 60’025
248 backers
Solar Women Farmers in Mali

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


Solar Women Farmers in Mali

by Fondation Antenna

In rural Mali, cooperatives of women entrepreneurs transform their crops to increase their income. Help us to equip them with solar technologies!