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144successful projects close to Eldoret in architecture

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Eldoret. But this may be of interest to you.
Réhabilitation d'un logement

Architecture, Community, and Environment


Réhabilitation d'un logement

by Pierre-Alain Meyer

Offrir à une famille un logement sécuritaire

110 %
CHF 5’520
38 backers
Hôpital Galagala, Cameroun

Science, architecture, and Community


L’Association Hôpital Galagala existe dans le but de soutenir la construction et la maintenance d’un hôpital au Nord du Cameroun. Aidez-nous à poser la dernière pierre de ce magnifique projet!

192 %
CHF 5’780
40 backers
School for Refugees – Azraq

Architecture, Community, and Education


School for Refugees – Azraq

by Architecture for Refugees - AfR, Architecture for Refugees SCHWEIZ - AfR CH, and Emergency Architecture & Human Rights - EAHR

The alarming need for educational programs and facilities for Syrian refugees in Jordan is unquestionable. We aim to build a school campus for 200+ children in the village of Azraq, Jordan. Join us!

104 %
CHF 15’705
49 backers
Zero-energy school in Ghana

Architecture, Kids / Youth, and Education


Sustainable school building for Newill academy, Koforidua, which was operated in overcowded metal huts and provides the only option for primary school education for the children in need of the region.

100 %
CHF 2’505
30 backers
Refuge pour chiens / Pyrgos

Architecture, Community, and Tourism

Pyrgos and Peloponnese

Construction du nouveau refuge; terrain acheté, clôture posée. Nous avons besoin de votre aide pour le premier bâtiment infirmerie/bureau/stock nourriture.

103 %
EUR 26’000
110 backers
Bogdan Bogdanović Library

Photography, Publishing, and Architecture

Vienna and Belgrade

Bogdan Bogdanović Library

by Wolfgang Thaler, Ljubica Slavković, and Jelica Jovanovic

this will be a book about books. a record of Bogdanovic's personal library through photos plus selected books. the library is located in the apartment in Belgrade where nothing changed over decades.

114 %
EUR 4’135
60 backers
La Croatie monumentale

Architecture, Journalism, and Tourism

Jasenovac, Kumrovec, and Zagreb

La Croatie monumentale

by Danielle Majani

Vous connaissez déjà la superbe côte adriatique croate? Je vous propose un reportage en sons, images et textes à l’intérieur des terres. A la recherche de monuments érigés du temps de la Yougoslavie.

115 %
CHF 1’555
21 backers
Bau mit uns ein Tiny House!

Agriculture, architecture, and Environment


Bau mit uns ein Tiny House!

by WildnisKulturHof, backofficeandmore, and Judith Anger

Self-sufficency while living in a tiny house – we want to build the first mobile tiny house in the Südburgenland! We will offer workshops on how to run a farm like Sepp Holzer would.

125 %
EUR 7’533
60 backers
Gelebte Utopie

Science, Publishing, and Architecture


Gelebte Utopie

by Andrea Jany

Gelebte Utopie – Die Terrassenhaussiedlung der Werkgruppe Graz. Unterstütze uns dabei erstmalig entsprechend der baukulturellen Bedeutung der Siedlung eine eigene Publikation zu realisieren.

101 %
EUR 4’040
49 backers
wohnlabor: das buch.

Publishing, architecture, and Community


wohnlabor: das buch.

by wohnlabor, das.

Wie geht eigentlich Wohnen? Wir haben recherchiert, gemeinsam geforscht und dabei besonders gemeinschaftliches Wohnen und Planen unter die Lupe genommen. Das Buch zum bunten Workshop entsteht gerade.

111 %
EUR 2’480
64 backers
Didi Contractor

Film and Architecture


Didi Contractor

by individuofilm

A documentary about the life and work of the Architect Didi Contractor, who at the age of 85, is building sculpture-like houses from earth, bamboo, slate and river stone in North India.

107 %
CHF 10’731
55 backers
Schild Voisthalerhütte

Architecture, tourism, and Environment


123 Jahre war es da – unser Hüttennamensschild, diesen Winter haben Bergpiraten unseren Plan vereitelt, es an den Neubau schrauben zu können. Es fehlt - Wir wollen das Alte Neu!