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150successful projects close to Ipojuca in architecture

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Ipojuca. But this may be of interest to you.
Nomadic Cinema in Argentina!

Film, Design, and Architecture

Salta and Lausanne

Nomadic Cinema in Argentina!

by Le Repaire Fantastique

Collaborative II: CNNA We are three swiss designers and we are moving to Argentina to work on a collaborative, cultural and social project of a nomadic cinema.

114 %
CHF 11’490
65 backers
Belle View Bungalow Dominica

Architecture and Tourism


Belle View Bungalow Dominica

by Familie Burkard Roserens

Schon lange träumen wir davon unsere wunderschöne Aussicht und Umgebung mit Gästen zu teilen. Um das «Belle View Bungalow» in unserem Garten in Dominica fertig zu bauen, brauchen wir Unterstützung!

118 %
CHF 41’515
110 backers
Zero-energy school in Ghana

Architecture, Kids / Youth, and Education


Sustainable school building for Newill academy, Koforidua, which was operated in overcowded metal huts and provides the only option for primary school education for the children in need of the region.

100 %
CHF 2’505
30 backers
Ayuda para los niños Junin

Architecture, Kids / Youth, and Education

San Pedro de Saño District

Ayuda para los niños Junin

by Embolo Foundation

Das Mädchenheim im Hochland von Peru benötigt dringend neue Sanitäranlagen. Die Embolo Foundation möchte mit Euch den Mädchen ein funktionierendes und schönes Zuhause ermöglichen.

100 %
CHF 10’040
24 backers
Une maison en Haïti

Architecture and Community


Une maison en Haïti

by Papillon et Marie

Contribuez à la construction d'une maison pour notre nièce Mikencia et sa famille en Haïti qui ont tout perdu à cause de la crise politique, sécuritaire et humanitaire sans précédent.

102 %
CHF 10’240
109 backers
Hôpital Galagala, Cameroun

Science, architecture, and Community


L’Association Hôpital Galagala existe dans le but de soutenir la construction et la maintenance d’un hôpital au Nord du Cameroun. Aidez-nous à poser la dernière pierre de ce magnifique projet!

192 %
CHF 5’780
40 backers
Book «Designing TWA»

Publishing, Design, and Architecture

New York and Zurich

Book «Designing TWA»

by Kornel Ringli

The TWA Terminal is one of the best-known buildings of our time. The lack of a book on the icon of the 1960s is all the more surprising. «Designing TWA» shall fill this gap.

228 %
CHF 20’778
144 backers
Péniche Chopine

Architecture and Tourism


Péniche Chopine

by Dominique Roussy

Transformation d’une péniche commerciale en bateau logement incluant une chambre d’hôtes

128 %
CHF 5’127
24 backers
Réhabilitation d'un logement

Architecture, Community, and Environment


Réhabilitation d'un logement

by Pierre-Alain Meyer

Offrir à une famille un logement sécuritaire

110 %
CHF 5’520
38 backers
CLOUD, refreshing the city

Architecture and Environment


Let’s fight heat islands together! We are developing a cloud shaped wooden structure, activated by a network of water sprays. The installation will take place this summer in Onex (GE).

103 %
CHF 6’742
39 backers
Give a home, give a hope

Architecture and Kids / Youth

Howrah and Geneva

Give a home, give a hope

by Projets Responsables and Maison Khusi

5 students from the University of Geneva united to provide a safe home for children in West Bengal who have lost their parents to the COVID-19 pandemic.

110 %
CHF 1’545
27 backers
Théâtre du Loup en chantier!

Architecture, Community, and Performing Arts


Théâtre du Loup en chantier!

by Théâtre du Loup

Construction d’une paroi phonique démontable entre le foyer et la salle, nouveaux gradins pour le public, WC pour personnes à mobilité réduite, locaux techniques, escaliers de secours, on transforme !