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2031successful projects close to Gujjadi2 in community

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Ein Laptop für Sanjana

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Ein Laptop für Sanjana

by Urs Keller / Indien

Sanjana ist im zweiten Studienjahr und hat einen veralteten Laptop. Sie kann sich keinen neuen Laptop, der für das Softwarestudium notwendig ist, leisten. Herzlichen Dank!

115 %
CHF 1’150
16 backers
Uataueist Project

Community, Performing arts, and Environment

Kanchipuram, Bengaluru, and Verscio

Uataueist Project


The Project:1)Creation of the show PLASTIKKATTI using recycled material.2)One month workshop with the students of KATTAIKKUTTU SANGAM.3)Creation of a collective show with the students.

104 %
CHF 6’273
60 backers
an Education, our Mission

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Geneva and Cheppad

an Education, our Mission

by Projets Responsables and Indikutti

Five students from the University of Geneva, from different faculties, gathered through Indikutti and whose mission is to support the education of 50 children in India.

139 %
CHF 1’815
41 backers
Pavithra becomes a nurse!

Community and Education


Pavithra becomes a nurse!

by Henriette & Stephi

Pavithra lives in South India with her family and would like to train as a nurse. The aim is to support her in this by financing her training and her living costs.

107 %
EUR 4’240
53 backers
Fight Hunger, Fight Corona

Food, Community, and Environment

Zürich, Mumbai, and Delhi

Fight Hunger, Fight Corona

by Naveen Shams and Rhythima

Social Distancing is a luxury for the world's poor. India’s 21 day lockdown has thrown thousands of daily wage workers out of jobs. Help vulnerable families and the unemployed buy food & medicines.

165 %
CHF 41’440
391 backers
Help the Helpers – Sri Lanka

Community and Environment


Drinkable water for Sri Lankan families. We search supporters for our «Help the Helpers» project, financing water filters donated to the poorest of the poor.

127 %
EUR 1’270
23 backers
Clowns for Humanity

Community, Performing arts, and Kids / Youth


Clowns for Humanity

by Clowns for Humanity

6-wöchige Tour durch Sri Lanka im Nov. & Dez. 2019. Wir spielen unsere stündige Clownshow kostenfrei in Schulen, Heimen, Altersheimen, Krankenhäusern und Gefängnissen. Es sind 30-40 Auftritte geplant.

136 %
CHF 4’102
34 backers
20 years «owf» Sri Lanka

Publishing, Community, and Art

Wathuregama and Vienna

20 years «owf» Sri Lanka

by one world foundation

Authors, artists and experts describe in a book how a guest house in Sri Lanka succeeded in financing a school and thereby generating social, cultural and intellectual capital.

100 %
EUR 20’125
65 backers
Schulreise in Sri Lanka

Community and Education


Schulreise in Sri Lanka

by Silvia Rosser

Für uns selbstverständlich. Für die Schule im Hochland von Sri Lanka, wo arme Teepflückerfamilien leben, aber nicht: Ein Mal im Leben ans Meer und die Hauptstadt Colombo besuchen.

100 %
CHF 5’000
12 backers
Sambol Safe-Village

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Sambol Safe-Village

by Devika Salomon

Unser Frauenschutzhaus in Sri Lanka platzt aus allen Nähten. Hilf mit, für gewaltbetroffene Frauen* und ihre Kinder in Sri Lanka ein eigenes Schutzhaus mit Werkstatt, Schule und Spielplatz zu bauen.

107 %
CHF 80’591
377 backers
Local sustainable education

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Local sustainable education

by Helptourage and Helptourage

Developing a local english school in Sri Lanka and would like to create an opportunity for local kids to be able to follow a sustainable education where creativity is number one.

105 %
EUR 8’450
31 backers
TukTuk für Sri Lanka


Arugam Bay

Ich suche Supporter für den Kauf eines TukTuk damit ein Familienvater seine 10-köpfige Familie ernähren kann. Das Projekt ist nachhaltig und existenzsichernd.