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215successful projects close to Monaco in technology

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Monaco. But this may be of interest to you.
Radio Gwendalyn

Journalism, Community, and Technology


Radio Gwendalyn

by Radio Gwendalyn

Help Radio Gwendalyn to become everybody’s radio: a year of radio programs committed to local culture, alternative music, minorities and ethnic groups.

113 %
CHF 33’950
278 backers
Qaptis – CO2 free trucks

Startup, Technology, and Environment


Qaptis – CO2 free trucks

by Yves Loerincik, Theodore Caby, and Masoud

Help develop a simple way for transportation companies to reduce their impact on the environment with on-board CO2 capture and storage.

112 %
CHF 28’220
125 backers

Kids / Youth, Technology, and Education

Zürich, Lugano, and Lausanne


by GirlsCodeToo

GirlsCodeToo aims to foster and nurture the curiosity, skills, and creativity of girls. We teach tech skills that help them make career and educational decisions for their future! Wanna get involved?

101 %
CHF 20’358
164 backers

Technology and Tourism



by AroundLugano

AroundLugano unconventional city guide. Un supporto per local e turisti, per vivere a pieno la città. Bentornata Lugano Bella.

110 %
CHF 3’320
81 backers
XY in the Sky

Art and Technology


XY in the Sky

by Sisters XY

Sisters XY are back into a new adventure, riding the clouds-Big Brother is invited, disguised into a GoProA compilation of videoclips will be released this autumn featuring great artists. XY can’t wait to share their thrill with your initials on their back while flying!

112 %
CHF 1’126
13 backers
OneLoop, recycler des linges

Startup, Technology, and Environment


Contribuez à recycler des linges qui ne répondent plus aux normes de qualité (destinés à la poubelle!) pour en faire du nouveau fil flambant neuf!

100 %
CHF 7’851
64 backers
The app Valais Discovery

Startup, Technology, and Tourism


The app Valais Discovery

by Valais Discovery

Petite Arvine, mushing, cosy night in a chalet ... the Valais has many treasures to discover. We grouped everything on a unique platform for you. Book your holidays in a few clics.

100 %
CHF 40’151
191 backers
Travelise: Voyage Surprise

Startup, Technology, and Tourism


Voyageons différemment ! Travelise est une agence de voyage permettant à ses voyageurs de découvrir leur destination à l'aéroport et de se laisser surprendre par chaque étape de leur voyage.

126 %
CHF 63’400
388 backers
Vinyl pressing workshop

Music, Community, and Technology


Doca Vinyl aims to create a vinyl record pressing workshop in Switzerland to promote the diversity of local music. By supporting us, you are supporting the Swiss music scene!

105 %
CHF 31’530
126 backers
Achat d'une imprimante 3D Ultimaker

Design, Community, and Technology


Pour aider le 1er FabLab de la région lémanique, nous avons besoin de votre soutien en contribuant à l’achat d’une imprimante 3D Ultimaker.

136 %
CHF 2’180
41 backers
Naturopathie: l’oligoscan!

Science, Startup, and Technology


Naturopathe installée en cabinet depuis un an, je souhaite développer mon activité grâce à l’achat d’un Oligoscan, une machine qui permet d’analyser les vitamines et minéraux dans les tissus.

100 %
CHF 1’500
23 backers
Bli Bli Dressing

Fashion, Technology, and Environment


Bli Bli Dressing

by Régis, Oxana, and Sonya

Bli Bli is an ecological innovation for second hand. Instead of sending the item by mail, buyers and sellers are connected through relay stores in their regions.