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7474progetti coronati da successo vicino a Delhi

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Help India Breathe!

Gastronomia, sociale e tecnologia

Zurigo, Mumbai e Delhi

Help India Breathe!

di Humane Warriors, Amal Mansoor e Naveen Shams

With a lack of food and oxygen supplies, the second wave of COVID has hit India hard leading to 2000+ deaths per day. Your support through oxygen supply, community kitchens & food kits can save lives.

147 %
CHF 44’129
288 sostenitori
Fight Hunger, Fight Corona

Gastronomia, sociale e ambiente

Zurigo, Mumbai e Delhi

Fight Hunger, Fight Corona

di Naveen Shams e Rhythima

Social Distancing is a luxury for the world's poor. India’s 21 day lockdown has thrown thousands of daily wage workers out of jobs. Help vulnerable families and the unemployed buy food & medicines.

165 %
CHF 41’440
391 sostenitori
Didi Contractor

Cinema e architettura


Didi Contractor

di individuofilm

A documentary about the life and work of the Architect Didi Contractor, who at the age of 85, is building sculpture-like houses from earth, bamboo, slate and river stone in North India.

107 %
CHF 10’731
55 sostenitori
Clean up Ladakh

Sociale, turismo e ambiente


Clean up Ladakh

di Support_Ladakh

Because of Covid-19 there are no tourists in Ladakh . That's why female trekking guides are planning to do a clean-up event in the Markah valley and in basecamps which help the women to get an income.

123 %
CHF 5’548
47 sostenitori
True Feel of Cinema!

Cinema, festival e tecnologia


True Feel of Cinema!

di Tibet Film Festival (Zürich/Dharamsala)

Tibet Film Festival – India requires a professional equipment (projector, Sound, etc.) to create the magic of a theatre experience with sharp image and clear sound.

106 %
CHF 5’341
46 sostenitori
Sicheres Trinkwasser

Infanzia / giovani e educazione


Die Shree Dudhe Schule befindet sich im Westen Nepals und bietet 180 Schüler/innen einen Bildungsort. Die Schule hat kein Wasser wodurch es an Hygiene und Beständigkeit bei den Schulbesuchen mangelt.

115 %
CHF 2’301
19 sostenitori
Aiuto alle donne del deserto

Sociale e educazione


Dare alle donne svantaggiate del deserto indiano la possibilità di accedere all'istruzione e alla formazione.
In questo modo, contribuiamo a combattere la disuguaglianza di genere.

137 %
CHF 4’967
64 sostenitori
Pangong Project

Sport e ambiente


Pangong Project

di Pangong Project

Aux confins des sommets les plus hauts du monde, une expédition de plongée en très haute altitude dans un lac reculé, perdus dans les montagnes de l’Himalaya

140 %
CHF 21’070
94 sostenitori
Wir müssen nach «Mustang»!

Fotografia e giornalismo


Wir müssen nach «Mustang»!

di Christian Schmidt

Der Klimawandel zwingt im Himalayatal Mustang die Bevölkerung zum Exodus. Wir werden für DAS MAGAZIN darüber berichten. Für Reise und Recherche sind wir auf Support angewiesen.

384 %
CHF 19’200
113 sostenitori
Soutenez les filles Chepang!

Sociale, infanzia / giovani e educazione

Gajuri e Ginevra

Soutenez les filles Chepang!

di Projets Responsables e Chepang Keti

Chepang Keti c’est l’association de 5 étudiantes genevoises qui soutiennent l’accès à l’éducation des jeunes filles Chepang au Népal. Rejoignez l'aventure et construisons leur foyer ensemble!

100 %
CHF 1’000
12 sostenitori
Oxygen Plant for Nepal



Oxygen Plant for Nepal


We are saving lifes. We plan to set up an oxygen plant at the Chhetrapati Free Clinic (hospital) and buy 10 oxygen concentrators.

100 %
CHF 18’132
115 sostenitori
Collezione F

Startup, design e commercio equo

Zurigo e Katmandu

Collezione F

di Felix Doll

Grazie al tuo sostegno, produrremo la prossima collezione del nostro marchio di gioielli unisex del commercio equo e solidale in collaborazione con i nostri artigiani in Nepal.