T.O.F.U. ist ein einzigartiges veganes Mode Lifestyle Magazin, dass «The Organic Fashion Utopia» repräsentiert und euch auch genau eine solche anbietet. Lebe, Geniesse, Liebe in einem veganen Look!

EUR 2’139

23% von EUR 9’000

23 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

32 Unterstützer*innen

Abgeschlossen am 19.4.2014

Final but not the EndVon Manuela Ernst Minimarini, am 22.04.2014

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My dear Backers

The crowdfunding came to an end.

Unfortunately it was not meant to happen for T.O.F.U. in this way.

It is the final here for us, but for sure not the end for THE ORGANIC FASHION UTOPIA.

I want to thank you Very very much for your support and your faith in my project.

I will keep on finding a way to bring it out. And most probably have it published as a first issue online to download for a small amount of money.

Since you all backed me up with so much love and support I would like to send (when the time comes) the online magazine for free to you.

I hope you will send me your email to the info@theorganicfashionutopia.com so I can later on send you the online magazine access.

Many thanks again.

We keep in touch & do not forget:


Interview by Dear Fashion JournalVon Manuela Ernst Minimarini, am 18.03.2014

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Interview by Dear Fashion Journal


The organic fashion utopia got interviewed by Emmi Ojala for the Dear Fashion Journal! We love it!

Read some backstage infos about the founder and editor of T.O.F.U. and fall in love with this new fresh magazine!!

We need love and support!

Thank You Dear Fashion Journal

T.O.F.U. PromotionVon Manuela Ernst Minimarini, am 17.03.2014

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T.O.F.U. The organic fashion utopia had the honor to promote the project at boekennacht.nl in Amsterdam at Atheneum, the magazine store.

Check out the new Youtube Channel of T.O.F.U. and see how the founder&editor explained what the magazine is about and how much we need you!