Tadah: coworking with child
A large step towards increased compatibility: coworking with childcare.
Combining a career with having a family can be very difficult. Mothers as well as fathers are increasingly working part-time. At the same time the structures within companies and childcare tend to be outdated. Flexbility is hard to come by.
It’s a fact: Mothers are missing from the work force, as the necessary framework conditions are not in place. And an increasing number of fathers would like to be more involved in their childrens lives. The solution: a coworking space with child care. Something which does not yet exist in this form in Switzerland. But something that should, according to 400 parents surveyed.
We from Tadah are helping parents and the economy with our new approach to combining work and childcare. A solution that truly makes it easier to combine family and career.
The initiators: we know what we are talking about.
Tadah is Sarah, Klara, Julia and Diana. We are four women working part-time and we are mothers – constantly balancing our families and our career. Sometimes it works well and sometimes not so much. But it is always contingent on much organization. And there have been times when we have asked ourselves: is having a career as well as a family simply not compatible in a satisfying way?
In short: we are our own target audience. In the past years we have often longed for a place, where we could have worked for a few hours and known our children to be well taken care of.
We have been working together for two years now on our online magazine tadah.ch, focusing in part on mothers and sometimes fathers who we interview in order to find out how they reconcile their family and career. They all have their own care system and not all of our mothers we love and fathers we love, as we call them, have the grandparents right around the corner. They are all looking for more flexibility from companies and daycare centers – just like we are.
This is reason enough, to found a coworking space with childcare – a power house for parents.
A first space with 30 work- and childcare spots.
We are planning the first coworking space in Zürich Albisrieden with meeting rooms, an open space, private spaces and a coffee zone. A beautiful space, that inspires, promotes networking and at the same time is optimal for working privately.
Additionally we offer professional child care with flexible days and hours.
The time has come for a new work- and care model in Switzerland – a place where innovative care options are hard to come by. Nevertheless - or perhaps precisely because of this - we believe that the opportunity for success is great.
Us four from Tadah have already gone «all in». We have almost reached the finish line in terms of financing the core element of our project: the kids space. It is to be much more than just a child care room. But instead a space, were children love to come.
We are bulding a playground, kids toilets, we need beds, matrasses, a jungle gym and most importantly: pedagogic staff. All of this costs money. And for this we have to rely on your support.
With your contribution we can realize our mission and open the first large-scale Swiss coworking space with child care in the late summer of 2019.
Please support us and we will support you – with a much needed and important step into the future.