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511projects close to Plettenberg Bay in agriculture

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Plettenberg Bay. But this may be of interest to you.
Nussknacker für Kleinbauern

Agriculture, Fair Trade, and Technology


Wir wollen Kleinbauern in Simbabwe neue Einkommensmöglichkeiten bieten. Dafür investieren wir in die dringend benötigte Infrastruktur vor Ort und helfen somit den Handel Ihrer Produkte zu beleben.

18 %
CHF 5’545
37 backers
8000 t Brennholz sparen 2025

Agriculture, Environment, and Education


8000 t Brennholz sparen 2025

by Verein Schulprojekte Sambia

In Afrika ist Holz der wichtigste Energieträger. Jeder Haushalt verbrennt etwa 10t Holz pro Jahr. Mit einfachen, aus Lehm selber hergestellten, Öko-Öfen lassen sich 40% einsparen.

34 %
CHF 1’360
18 backers
Dynamiser le maraîchage

Startup, agriculture, and Fair Trade


Dynamiser le maraîchage

by Jaune Congo - COLIVER

Le but de cet appel à financement est l’achat d’un véhicule frigorifique et la mise en place d’un système de distribution de légumes à Kinshasa (capitale de la République du Congo, RDC).

0 %
CHF 10
1 backer
Mulimuli Community Center

Agriculture, Community, and Kids / Youth

Dar es Salaam

Mulimuli Community Center

by Teddy and Sevi

Mulimuli is a community project in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. We want to tackle unemployment in urban communities through a combined approach of tourism, farming and capacity building.

31 %
EUR 4’314
61 backers
Gemüsegarten für Tansania

Agriculture and Community


Dein Beitrag für dieses Projekt hilft einem Blindenheim im Norden von Tansania ihr eigenes Gemüse und ihre eigenen Früchte anzubauen.

150 %
CHF 3’000
31 backers
Kula Pipi Garden

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


Kula Pipi Garden

by Demetra Solari

Le « Kula pipi garden » est un jardin de rencontre et un lieu où les locaux et les internationaux peuvent se rencontrer et partager leurs expériences de vie.

104 %
CHF 20’837
72 backers
Stocker Pour Demain

Agriculture, Fair Trade, and Community


Construction d'un entrepôt pour le stockage des récoltes en Tanzanie pour garantir une indépendance financière et alimentaire aux agriculteurs pendant les récoltes et lors des périodes de sécheresses.

0 %
CHF 10
1 backer
Tuk-Tuk Garden

Agriculture, Kids / Youth, and Technology

Malindi, Nairobi, and Mombasa

Tuk-Tuk Garden

by Steve Katana

Soutenez-nous pour créer des potagers urbains aux cœurs des villages reculés du Kenya pour les habitants victimes de la crise nutritionnelle.

0 %
0 backers
Healthy Farms for Kenya

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


Healthy Farms for Kenya

by Caroline Moraza, Lucas Zahl, Silke Stoeber, and Esther Kiruthi

Let’s achieve healthy and sustainable farms for Kenyan consumers and smallholder farmers! Water shortages, climate change and pollution are all challenges, which will be tackled with your support.

107 %
EUR 6’434
45 backers
Digitizing Farming in Kenya

Startup, agriculture, and Technology


Digitizing Farming in Kenya

by Sabine Godinez and Mwangi Maina

SOKO is an agriculture startup that aims to digitize sheep farming. It will empower smallholder farmers to make a living from raising healthy sheep and sell them without going through intermediaries.

103 %
CHF 15’470
100 backers
It goes on: Organic training

Agriculture, Environment, and Education


This community supported us in providing training opportunities for smallholder cocoa and coffee farmers in Uganda. The outcome was a great success! Support us in expanding our reach even further.

108 %
CHF 4’329
26 backers
Organic training in Uganda

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


Organic is booming. But organic farming requires much knowledge that many farmers don't have. A group of farmers in Uganda is looking forward to receiving knowledge and the benefits of organic farmig.