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500projects close to Puerto Nariño in agriculture

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Puerto Nariño. But this may be of interest to you.
Crowd Container #5

Food, agriculture, and Fair Trade

Zürich, Basel, and Mendoza

Crowd Container #5

by Crowd Container

Wie schmeckt der Kaffee von Carmen, Erick und Jhobinson aus dem peruanischen Bergregenwald? Erlebe Spezialitätenkaffee – 100% transparent vom Feld in deine Tasse.

109 %
CHF 39’529
317 backers
Eco-Park with peace: Amalaka

Agriculture, tourism, and Environment


AMALAKA: Where the tropical heat and the indigenous wisdom come together. Ecotourism, organic farming, alternative energy, culture and sport! For local, national and international visitors!

101 %
EUR 28’250
13 backers
Nature Reserve in Colombia

Agriculture, Environment, and Education


Nature Reserve in Colombia

by Alice & Andrés

Project to create a nature reserve in the mountains of Colombia. We need your help to acquire and protect this little piece of land!

100 %
CHF 15’505
31 backers
Baumpatenschaft Tera Kuno

Agriculture, Environment, and Education


Übernimm eine Baumpatenschaft für unsere Bäume in den biodiversen, essbaren «Waldgärten» des Vereins Tera Kuno bei Manaus und finanziere damit das dortige Projekt «Arte & Escola na Floresta»

35 %
CHF 5’286
12 days to go
Agri-(Culture) by Tera Kuno

Agriculture, art, and Education


Wir engagieren uns für die Forschung, Förderung und Vermittlung ökologischer Agrarforstsysteme im Amazonasgebiet. Unterstütze uns, um Land zur Gründung eines Kollektiv-Zentrums zu erwerben!

244 %
CHF 61’000
263 backers
Biogasanlage für unter 100$

Agriculture, Technology, and Environment

Guatapé, Basel, and San Rafael

Planung und Umsetzung einer Molkegäranlage zur Produktion von Methangas für 3. Weltländer. Produktionskosten unter 100$. Prototyp soll als Hilfsprojekt in Kolumbien eingesetzt werden.

10 %
CHF 500
4 backers
Ferme Bio, Yes we can!!

Agriculture, Community, and Environment

Sipe Sipe

Ferme Bio, Yes we can!!

by Fico & Héloïse

Nous sommes ravis d’avoir découvert cette vallée source de vie, emplie de la présence du millénaire peuple quechua, avec lequel nous nous sommes engagés pour une agriculture durable.

102 %
CHF 22’682
52 backers
Bester Kaffee direkt ab Farm

Food, agriculture, and Fair Trade

Altdorf and Santa Marta

Spezialitätenkaffee direkt von der Farm zu dir nachhause. «Direct Trade» ohne Kompromisse.
Wir sind Kaffeebauern, Röster und Vermarkter und sorgen für faire Bedingungen für alle Beteiligten.

105 %
CHF 11’556
96 backers

Agriculture, Kids / Youth, and Education



by Olivia et David

Sustainable and social development project in permaculture aiming to grow food for the children of the school and teach pathways to self-sufficiency.

110 %
CHF 16’575
100 backers
A house in Nicaragua

Agriculture and Tourism


Walls and roof are built. We'd like to finish the house and rent it to nature and coffee lovers. This will increase the income of the coffee growing family, reinvesting in the coffee processing...

28 %
CHF 1’697
16 backers
SOS Water Source Brazil

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


SOS Water Source Brazil

by Association Guapary, Pierre-Olivier Boillet, and FERREIRA CELIA

LET’S SAVE The Boa Vista water source For the purchase of land in Cezarina, Brazil where is the perennial water source

50 %
CHF 22’748
58 backers
Forest Garden of the future

Agriculture, Community, and Environment

San Marcos La Laguna

With your help, an edible forest garden is being created in the highlands of Guatemala! Together with the local community and the school, we are building a thriving ecosystem for a sustainable future.