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249projects close to Oaxaca in animals

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Oaxaca. But this may be of interest to you.




by Alina & Milena

In Costa Rica gibt es sehr viele unkastrierte Hunde, dessen Nachwuchs oft auf der Strasse landet und an Hunger/Krankheiten/Verletzungen leidet. Durch Kastrationen wollen wir dieses Problem bekämpfen.

100 %
CHF 4’025
32 backers
Right whales of Brazil

Science, Environment, and Animals


Right whales of Brazil

by Daniel Schiavon

Support our students to research the health and ecology of southern right whales through drone surveys in Brazil. Make the monitoring of this recovering species in a vital reproductive area possible!

17 %
EUR 770
8 backers
Minga Reforestation Project

Community, Environment, and Animals

El Chical

The Minga Reforestation Project is a reforestation project in Ecuador in one of the most biodiverse regions of the world. Help to make it really big for the climate and biodiversity!

101 %
CHF 25’450
161 backers
Unveiling Turtle Voices

Science, Film, and Animals

Manaus and Zürich

We follow an award-winning researcher to the turtles in the Amazon and come across fires, poaching and climate change. A profound learning experience about turtles and life.

17 %
CHF 3’470
28 backers
More freedom for our 4 Pumas

Environment and Animals

Santa Cruz de la Sierra

We, the Fundacion AFASI in Bolivia, want to enlarge the small puma enclosure to offer these noble animals an appropriate home - 2500 m² with trees, caves and lagoons!

111 %
CHF 5’550
40 backers
How do wild moose behave?

Science, Environment, and Animals


How do wild moose behave?

by Marine_Bagnoud

Unravel the enigmatic world of wild moose with me and contribute to wildlife preservation by helping me to uncover their secrets in Alaska during my master's thesis!

200 %
CHF 10’017
33 backers
Swiss marine research

Science, Environment, and Animals

Horta and Airlie Beach

Swiss marine research

by Sail & Explore

Support our marine research and help collect population data on plankton, dolphins, and whales during our expeditions to help understand the climate change problem.

29 %
CHF 2’845
15 backers
Des vies dignes


Neuchâtel and Leiria

Des vies dignes

by Sara da Silva

Libérer, soigner et stériliser sont les maîtres-mots d'«Alpha & Cie». Aidez-moi à venir en aide aux sans-voix du Portugal.

109 %
CHF 1’090
26 backers
Animal Rescue Portugal



Animal Rescue Portugal

by Animals First 🐶

Mein Name ist Fabian Kaiser und bin 24 Jahre alt. Ich wollte schon immer ein Meilenstein in meinem Leben setzen und den Hunden in Portugal helfen. Das tue ich mit euerer Unterstützung!

0 %
0 backers
Lebenshof beschützen

Community, Environment, and Animals


Liebe Tierfreunde! Wir möchten Lara dabei helfen ihren veganen Lebenshof «A Quintinha da Liz» in Viseu, Portugal, mit über 70 geretteten Tieren wieder sicher zu machen. Unterstütze uns dabei!

150 %
CHF 3’000
59 backers
Scraps Gourmet Vegan Snacks

Fair Trade, Environment, and Animals


Scraps Gourmet Vegan Snacks

by Piers & Victoria

We create vegan treats for dogs. With unsold products from organic bakeries, recycled into tasty supplements that respect their natural needs. And YES: Cereal snacks as little treats are OK for dogs!

0 %
CHF 39
1 backer
Together we are invincible

Sport, tourism, and Animals


Together we are invincible

by Husky Abenteuer Rönnliden - Thomas und Nina

Our huskies and we are already experiencing the second Corona wave up close for the third time. At the moment we’re still standing with both feet on the sled, but we’re slowly losing our balance.