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1353projects close to L'Acadie in environment

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to L'Acadie. But this may be of interest to you.
Right whales of Brazil

Science, Environment, and Animals


Right whales of Brazil

by Daniel Schiavon

Support our students to research the health and ecology of southern right whales through drone surveys in Brazil. Make the monitoring of this recovering species in a vital reproductive area possible!

17 %
EUR 770
8 backers
Eco-polar expedition boat

Art, Sport, and Environment

Fribourg, Longyearbyen, and Nuuk

Eco-polar expedition boat

by MaréMotrice and Mélina & Ben

Non-profit organisation MaréMotrice is going to install an electric engine in its boat. All electricity needed by the new engine will be produced on board, emission free.

118 %
CHF 29’578
120 backers
Grand Nord

Comics, art, and Environment


Grand Nord

by Frédéric Roussel

Un Roman Graphique dans l'Arctique

101 %
CHF 3’035
40 backers
Les Mains Glacées

Comics, art, and Environment

Nuuk and Neuchâtel

Réalisation d'une bande dessinée illustrant le périple d’un petit groupe d’artistes naviguant sur un voilier au Groenland. Une vision d’artiste confrontée à un univers polaire en pleine mutation.

110 %
CHF 4’400
55 backers
Ecotourism is back in Haïti!

Community, tourism, and Environment

Mole Saint-Nicolas

Ecotourism is back in Haïti!

by Boukan Guinguette

Help Boukan Guinguette resuming ecotourism in Haiti! A unique hotel in nature, a passionate team… With your help, we believe in reboosting the adventure despite the hard time Haiti is going through.

105 %
EUR 10’295
89 backers
Solar panels

Tourism, Environment, and Education


Solar panels

by Michael Pascal Dusong

Offer an energy autonomy for a school of tourism that offers free courses to the inhabitants of the Dominican Republic by replacing the diesel generator by 78 solar panels.

30 %
CHF 1’535
12 backers
Naturheilpark SEMUK / Mexiko

Community, Environment, and Education


Naturheilpark SEMUK / Mexiko

by Pascal K'in Greub

Mit dem gesammelten Betrag möchten wir das undichte Dach renovieren und die von Anfang an geplante Gemeinschaftsküche bauen. Die Corona-Krise hat alles lahmgelegt und die Regenzeit beginnt schon!

5 %
CHF 1’222
9 backers
Kinder pflanzen 100000 Bäume

Kids / Youth and Environment


Unser Projekt steht in den Startlöchern. Gemeinsam mit armen Kindern werden wir in Honduras 100'000 Bäume pflanzen. Wir brauchen deine Unterstützung, als Dank gibts tolle Goodies und einen Wettbewerb.

137 %
CHF 4’821
27 backers
Nous Recyclons

Design, Community, and Environment

Mexico City

Nous Recyclons

by Nosotros Reciclamos

Notre pari: transformer le PET pour transformer la vie des plus pauvres au Mexique. En 2017, nous voulons augmenter temps de travail, revenus et qualité des produits, pour devenir autosuffisants.

5 %
CHF 850
11 backers
Baumschule in El Salvador

Community, Environment, and Education


Bau und Unterhalt einer nachhaltigen Baumschule im stark entwaldeten El Salvador.

71 %
CHF 3’195
22 days to go
Arctic'stique expedition ⛵️

Design, art, and Environment


An artistic residency of 4 weeks on board the Knut, a 15-meter sailboat equipped for arctic expeditions. We will face the fare north, discover the East Coast of Greenland and make art.

136 %
CHF 10’942
107 backers
Global Raft – Melting Sculptures

Art and Environment

Reykjavík, Rotterdam, and Stuttgart

Rappaport sets an exclamation point against climate change. His «GlobalRaft» travels from Rotterdam in glacierlagoon of Iceland and changes there into ice. Be part of the spectacular art performance.