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517progetti vicino a Gotland in festival

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Abbiamo progetti un po’ dappertutto. Tuttavia, in questo momento non ce n’è di vicini a Gotland. Chissà se ti interessa questo qui?
Project: Everglades 2015

Musica e festival


Project: Everglades 2015

di Project Everglades

Aufbau eines Electronic Music Festival in Schweden in zusammen Arbeit mit einem Schwedischen und Schweizer Team.

2 %
CHF 100
1 sostenitore
Origins/art festival berlin

Festival e arte


Origins/art festival berlin


Identità non deve essere legato a un luogo specifico! Abbiamo deciso di invitare la ricchezza culturale e la bellezza della diversità attraverso l’arte, per una settimana in agosto a YACAISTEberlin!

16 %
EUR 745
6 sostenitori
Piano Trio Festival 2019

Musica, festival e arte

San Pietroburgo

Some of the best Swiss and European musicians gather to convey the universal ideas of classical chamber music beyond national borders.

0 %
CHF 40
0 sostenitori
New Music Festival «reMusik»

Musica e festival

San Pietrobrugas

Become a Friend of the Festival and promoting SWISS CONTEMPORARY MUSIC performances in St.Petersburg, Russia.

0 %
0 sostenitori
backup_festival Weimar

Cinema e festival


backup_festival Weimar

di backup_festival

Le backup_festival Weimar veut créer une nouvelle récompense – le backup.collaboration.award. Grâce à votre soutien nous pourrons encourager les jeunes réalisateurs de courts-métrages!

102 %
EUR 2’565
45 sostenitori
Madeja Festival

Musica e festival

Poznań e Bayreuth

Madeja Festival

di Madeja Festival

The International Józef Madeja Festival is a unique artistic event, which is organized annually in October. It includes Polish-German collaboration and concerts in Poznan and Bayreuth

12 %
EUR 120
2 sostenitori
«Maria Magdalena»

Musica, arti sceniche e festival


«Maria Magdalena»

di Festival Retz

Musiktheater der Gegenwart - Vergabe eines Kompositionsauftrages für eine Kirchenoper verbunden mit der Uraufführung beim Festival Retz «Offene Grenzen» 2019

102 %
EUR 15’374
36 sostenitori
Alt Shift festival

Festival, ambiente e educazione

Gars am Kamp

Alt Shift festival

di Shift Slow Association

Una settimana di contenuti educativi critici e creativi che celebrano la decrescita, la comunità, le alleanze e le strategie eco-sociali. Sostenete la nostra visione e diventate parte di essa!

130 %
EUR 6’506
98 sostenitori
Game of Ambivalence

Musica, sociale e festival


Game of Ambivalence

di Musiktheatertage Wien

Das Community Projekt schafft neue Begegnungsräume zwischen Künstler•innen, Communities & Menschen der Stadt Wien. Im Rahmen der MUSIKTHEATERTAGE WIEN 2023, Festival für zeitgenössisches Musiktheater.

30 %
EUR 2’250
19 sostenitori
Waves Vienna Festival 2023

Musica e festival


Waves Festival brings around 100 acts from all over the world to Vienna from 7. to 9.9. and hosts a conference for the music scene. In order for the festival to go over in the fall, we need you!

100 %
EUR 15’022
30 sostenitori
SICHTweisen 2022

Musica, festival e arte


SICHTweisen 2022

di Johanna Kloser e Bernd Jaumann

SICHTweisen festival tries to combine old as well as new music with other kinds of art. Our main goal is to open new perspectives and to encourage interaction of differnt kinds of audience.

108 %
EUR 4’340
13 sostenitori
Ukraine @ Waves Festival

Musica, sociale e festival


In order not to let the Ukrainian music scene down in these difficult times, the Waves Festival wants to offer them a perspective with your support, support them and set an example!