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533projects close to Kaôh Kŏng in festival

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Kaôh Kŏng. But this may be of interest to you.

Food, Festival, and Kids / Youth



by Swiss eat & meet

Unterstütze uns dabei, für das Weltpfadfinderlager (Jamboree) 2023 in Südkorea, ein Schweizer Essenszelt zu realisieren. Um das Projekt zu finanzieren, brauchen wir deine Unterstützung!

101 %
CHF 20’250
11 backers
True Feel of Cinema!

Film, Festival, and Technology


True Feel of Cinema!

by Tibet Film Festival (Zürich/Dharamsala)

Tibet Film Festival – India requires a professional equipment (projector, Sound, etc.) to create the magic of a theatre experience with sharp image and clear sound.

106 %
CHF 5’341
46 backers
Theaterproduktion: Frauen

Community, Performing arts, and Festival


Theaterproduktion: Frauen

by VolksbühneBasel

Gastspiel Internationales Liberal Theater Festival 2018 in Amman/Jordanien - (28. April - 3. Mai 2018)

18 %
CHF 2’732
24 backers
Moscou chante pour le COV

Music, Festival, and Kids / Youth


Moscou chante pour le COV

by Conservatoire de l'Ouest Vaudois

La chorale du COV a l’honneur d’êtreinvitée à participer au Festival «Moscow Sounds», rencontre internationale de choeurs d'enfants qui se déroule chaque année en Russie.

164 %
CHF 4’925
37 backers
Piano Trio Festival 2019

Music, Festival, and Art

Saint Petersburg

Some of the best Swiss and European musicians gather to convey the universal ideas of classical chamber music beyond national borders.

0 %
CHF 40
0 backers
New Music Festival «reMusik»

Music and Festival

St Petersburg

Become a Friend of the Festival and promoting SWISS CONTEMPORARY MUSIC performances in St.Petersburg, Russia.

0 %
0 backers
Kammermusikfest Marienthal

Music and Festival

Grünau im Almtal and Gramatneusiedl

Kammermusikfest Marienthal

by Alpenlax Kunst&Kultur e.V.

Kammermusikfestival im Marienthal und Kammermusik im Almtal.
Beide bespielt Alpenlax, wir suchen eine Finanzierung, die uns diese beiden Musik-Festivals ermöglicht.

33 %
EUR 5’019
20 backers
Game of Ambivalence

Music, Community, and Festival


Game of Ambivalence

by Musiktheatertage Wien

Das Community Projekt schafft neue Begegnungsräume zwischen Künstler•innen, Communities & Menschen der Stadt Wien. Im Rahmen der MUSIKTHEATERTAGE WIEN 2023, Festival für zeitgenössisches Musiktheater.

30 %
EUR 2’250
19 backers
Waves Vienna Festival 2023

Music and Festival


Waves Festival brings around 100 acts from all over the world to Vienna from 7. to 9.9. and hosts a conference for the music scene. In order for the festival to go over in the fall, we need you!

100 %
EUR 15’022
30 backers
SICHTweisen 2022

Music, Festival, and Art


SICHTweisen 2022

by Johanna Kloser and Bernd Jaumann

SICHTweisen festival tries to combine old as well as new music with other kinds of art. Our main goal is to open new perspectives and to encourage interaction of differnt kinds of audience.

108 %
EUR 4’340
13 backers
Ukraine @ Waves Festival

Music, Community, and Festival


In order not to let the Ukrainian music scene down in these difficult times, the Waves Festival wants to offer them a perspective with your support, support them and set an example!

100 %
EUR 15’073
51 backers
"Try To"

Film and Festival


«Try To»

by Luca Martin Karl Werner-Tutschku

«Try To» is a shortfilm about guilt. A young father has to fight against himself so he can be there for the ones he loves.