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1015projects close to Samos in film

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Samos. But this may be of interest to you.




by Johanna Heusser

A Greek island: Tinos. A paradise for dropouts, anarchists and emigrants - and new luck. For 40 years home of Heidi - my grandmother, the main character of this story.

125 %
EUR 12’566
39 backers
«Little Flame»

Film and Community

Lausanne and Paros

«Little Flame»

by Floriane Closuit and Sabrina Faetanini

A film showing that handicap and illness are not just troubles. They can also awaken the best part of us.

131 %
CHF 39’499
140 backers
Auf den Spuren des Abfalls

Film, Environment, and Education


Auf den Spuren des Abfalls

by SegelExpedition

Was nicht mehr am Strand liegt oder im Wasser treibt, kann auch keinem Meerestier mehr schaden. Deshalb sammeln wir aktiv Abfall an Stränden und fischen ihn auch aus dem Meer.

12 %
CHF 1’230
10 backers
Periptero: je t'aime moi...

Film, Journalism, and Community


Periptero: je t'aime moi...

by Periptero: je t'aime moi non plus

Film de reportage / 1911 – aujourd’hui: l’histoire, le présent et le futur des kiosques (periptera) grecs. Au travers de l’institution des kiosques on retrace toute l’histoire de la Grèce moderne.

3 %
EUR 1’050
3 backers
Short film «Between lands»

Film and Community


Grâce à vous, je pourrai réaliser mon projet: un documentaire dans les territoires montagneux du nord de la Grèce, avec une famille réfugiée syrienne.

167 %
CHF 2’011
40 backers
Film"The Conscious"


Bucharest and Geneva

This short fiction film explores the topic of guilt and responsibility in post Nazi Romania.

0 %
CHF 100
1 backer
Who was Tristan Tzara?

Film and Art

Zürich, Bucharest, and Paris

Who was Tristan Tzara?

by Andrei Amărfoaie

Everybody heard of Dadaist President Tristan Tzara but few know about him. My film will document his life from Moinești to Paris, show the opinion of today’s people on him and complete his biography.

100 %
CHF 10’039
39 backers
Cody – the dog days are over

Film and Community

Zürich, London, and Târgoviște

Feature length documentary film about the power of animals and the bond between man and animals. This film wants to show the human-animal relationship from a different angle.

122 %
CHF 33’150
102 backers
whispers of old stories

Film, art, and Dance

Blatten and Bruiu

whispers of old stories

by noah_kohlbrenner

In «Stones and Their Whispers of Old Stories», we explore myths, legends and tales in Transylvania and the Valais Alps together with filmmakers, artists and performers.

116 %
CHF 5’816
72 backers
Love, War and a Cat


Mitzpe Ramon, Netiv HaAsara, and Tel Aviv-Yafo

Love, War and a Cat

by Fiona Ziegler

A personal based road-movie that leads young Czech Kateřina in search for Ben to a kafkaesque world that ends in the Negev, where she realises that her search for love starts with and in herself.

103 %
CHF 3’091
36 backers
Spielfilm Withering / Odumiranje


Belgrade, Доброселица, and Zurich

Spielfilm Withering / Odumiranje

by burning parrot / secondo film

Janko versucht in seiner Heimat Serbien das geerbte Land zu verkaufen, auf dem sein Vater begraben liegt, um in der Schweiz sein Glück zu versuchen.

4 %
CHF 544
4 backers
Dreharbeiten in Gaza


Gaza and Zurich

Wir möchten die Dreharbeiten zu einem Filmprojekt über das psychosoziale Engagement zweier Schweizerinnen zusammen mit ihren palästinensischen Kolleginnen in Gaza realisieren.