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642projects close to Aralsk in sport

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Aralsk. But this may be of interest to you.
Deaflympics 02.-13.März 2024



Die SUI Gehörlosen Curling Nati hat die Selektion an die Deaflympics (Gehörlosen Winter Olympiade) geschafft. 500 Athleten, 30 Länder, 6 Sportarten. Wir sind mit Mixed-Doppel und Herren Team dabei!

107 %
CHF 1’500
16 backers
Help the athlete!


Myadzyel and Minsk

We need help for the athlete in his recovery after a serious injury and the resumption of a sports career, high-quality training and participation in the European and World Championships.

0 %
0 backers
Pangong Project

Sport and Environment


Pangong Project

by Pangong Project

On the edge of the highest peaks in the world, a very high altitude diving expedition in a remote lake, lost in the mountains of the Himalaya

140 %
CHF 21’070
94 backers
Route pour la Finlande



Route pour la Finlande

by Kozué Nussbaum

Sélectionnée pour représenter la Suisse, je m’en vais à l’aventure en Finlande, aux championnats du monde de Flag Football.

154 %
CHF 3’395
16 backers
Bikes for Refugees

Community and Sport

Lesbos Prefecture

Bikes for Refugees

by Bikes for Refugees

Many refugees are stuck on Lesvos. We organise excursions with bicycles, so they can get away from the monotony of everyday life at least for a moment. To realise them we depend on your donation!

6 %
CHF 670
7 backers
Yoga in school class

Kids / Youth, Sport, and Education


Yoga in school class

by Yoga Himalaya

Be part of our beautiful project!
We do short yoga sessions in class, together with a professional tests, measuring the concentration levels in students, with really great positive result.

4 %
EUR 40
1 backer
Sport and charity tool

Community and Sport


Sport events promoting healthy and active lifestyle among young people, giving opportunities for regular sport activities on various sports – with different approaches – incl. charity sport.

0 %
0 backers
Our journey to the EC



We qualified to participate at the Rope Skipping EC in Eger, Hungary. To compete with jumpers from all over Europe, we need your help.

100 %
CHF 3’500
39 backers
StreetRacket @ Refugee Camps

Community, Kids / Youth, and Sport


Street Racket will be introduced to refugees living in camps around Belgrade. With Street Racket we can make an important contribution on daily healthy activities, social integration and occupation.

19 %
CHF 270
4 backers
Together we are invincible

Sport, tourism, and Animals


Together we are invincible

by Husky Abenteuer Rönnliden - Thomas und Nina

Our huskies and we are already experiencing the second Corona wave up close for the third time. At the moment we’re still standing with both feet on the sled, but we’re slowly losing our balance.

131 %
CHF 19’761
78 backers
Gemeinsam sind wir stark!

Community, Sport, and Tourism


Gemeinsam sind wir stark!

by Malamut Nordic Dream

Meine 11 Schlittenhunde und mich trifft die Corona-Krise schon ein 2. Mal. Bereits im Frühling hiess es Lockdown/Grenzen dicht und den Gäste absagen. Jetzt erneut Absagen und Buchungsstornierungen.

119 %
CHF 23’801
126 backers
Sprung an die EM

Kids / Youth and Sport


Sprung an die EM

by Stefanie

Nach meinem diesjährigen Schweizer Meisterschaftssieg nehme ich vom 26.07. bis am 31.07.22 an der Rope Skipping EM in Bratislava, Slowakei, teil und brauche dafür deine Unterstützung!