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576projects close to Lobitos District in technology

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Lobitos District. But this may be of interest to you.
Das Frauenhaus von Getsemani

Design, Community, and Technology


Im kolumbianischen Indio-Reservat von Caño Mochuelo steht ein Rohbau, der für die Herstellung von Kunsthandwerk gedacht war. Es fehlt aber an Geld für Mobiliar und Werkstätten. Das will ich ändern!

110 %
CHF 13’242
57 backers
SUN for kids in Nicaragua

Community, Kids / Youth, and Technology


The donations received finance the solar system of the kids oncological hospital in Managua. You can get cool present: nicaraguan handcraft and the book I wrote on my life living and working abroad.

177 %
CHF 19’119
115 backers
Diabetes Supply for Belize

Science, Technology, and Education

Belize City

Diabetes Supply for Belize

by Judith Mendez and DCB

People's Diabetes Foundation: Enabling diabetes care in Belize. We provide a haven for our community by advocating & empowering awareness, prevention, education, and support through our daily services

101 %
CHF 5’050
34 backers
EPFL Rocket Team

Science, Technology, and Education

Truth or Consequences

EPFL Rocket Team

by EPFL Rocket Team

Soutenez une équipe d’étudiants de l’EPFL et aidez les à construire un engin capable d’atteindre 3’048 mètres d'altitude et remporter la plus grande compétition internationale de fusées.

219 %
CHF 4’390
21 backers
Creating Lumps for Serenity


Lausanne, Seattle, and San Francisco

Join the refugees and crew of spaceship Serenity. Take part in retelling the story with your creative «lumps», or simply enjoy the show. Help us beta test storytelling of Serenity using metagravy.

32 %
EUR 270
5 backers

Community, Technology, and Environment

Conakry and Geneva


by Apprentissages sans Frontières

Solarnet, an ASF project, aims to open computer learning centers in Guinea using recycled second hand Swiss computers.

26 %
CHF 2’125
18 backers

Community and Technology

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


by David Schlesinger

Eine App, die die Gruppenbildung von Gleichgesinnten ermöglicht: Angefangen bei kleinen gemeinsamen Aktionen von Fan- und Sportgruppen bis zu politischen dezentralen Massendemonstrationen!

0 %
EUR 90
3 backers
Metallwerkstatt Wendlassida

Startup, Community, and Technology


Mein Freund Wendlassida möchte in Burkina Faso eine eigene Metallwerkstatt eröffnen. Ihm fehlen jedoch die nötigen Mittel für die Anfangsinvestition. Helft Wendlassida seinen Traum zu verwirklichen.

102 %
CHF 5’915
43 backers
WCi – We all have to...

Startup, Community, and Technology

Basel and Ouagadougou

WCi – We all have to...

by INCH Partners GmbH

Find the right toilet everywhere. WCi extends the offer of publicly available toilets by including commercial toilet providers. With your help, WCi can enable new toilets where they are needed most.

1 %
CHF 700
7 backers
AI models & Human values

Science, Publishing, and Technology


To recruit a dozen researchers to publish a study on the subject: how to align AI models with human values? The Project aims to contribute to the research by publishing a study.

0 %
EUR 45
3 backers

Technology, tourism, and Environment

Dover and Boulogne-sur-Mer


by SailLink

SailLink is a convenient & zero-emission sailing passenger service between UK & France. It uses sailing catamarans to take 12 people and is specifically designed for those travelling by train or bike.

100 %
EUR 4’500
14 backers
Train and empower women!

Startup, Technology, and Education


Women's only online skill training platform designed to bridge the gap between women seeking employment and companies looking for skilled employees. We train, you hire; Creating a gender-equal world.