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11612projects close to Greater Noida

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Food for Women in Brothel

Food and Community

New Delhi

Food for Women in Brothel

by Techies Time to Tea

Everyone is coming forward to support hungry, needy during COVID19 crisis in India, Women in Brothel in GB Nagar, New Delhi are still suffering bad.

0 %
CHF 20
1 backer
Art for change – New Delhi

Community, Performing arts, and Kids / Youth

New Delhi

Art for change – New Delhi


Kinder und Jugendliche aus den Slums von New Delhi werden zu Schauspieler/innen, Pantomimen u. Zirkuskünstler/innen ausgebildet und treten für «Child Rights-Education-Health Care-Gender Equality» auf.

5 %
EUR 510
6 backers
«Good News» Pilotfolge


Vienna and New Delhi

«Good News» Pilotfolge

by Brix Productions

GOOD NEWS soll eine Infotainment-Serie für TV werden, mit der wir dem Zynismus in den Medien entgegentreten und über Positives aus der ganzen Welt berichten wollen. Sympathisch und smart ;o)

105 %
EUR 15’801
133 backers
For the Kids health in India

Science, Kids / Youth, and Environment

Hyderabad and Delhi

Air Pollution is a major issue in India, especially this time of the year! We want to provide school kids with an N95 PM 2.5 anti pollution facemask to help protecting their health.

8 %
CHF 440
6 backers
Fight Hunger, Fight Corona

Food, Community, and Environment

Zürich, Mumbai, and Delhi

Fight Hunger, Fight Corona

by Naveen Shams and Rhythima

Social Distancing is a luxury for the world's poor. India’s 21 day lockdown has thrown thousands of daily wage workers out of jobs. Help vulnerable families and the unemployed buy food & medicines.

165 %
CHF 41’440
391 backers
Techies Time to Tea-Tea Room

Food, agriculture, and Fair Trade

Basel, Delhi, and Greater Noida

Techies Time to Tea-Tea Room

by Techies Time to Tea

I co-founded a tea brand in India 5 years back and we are spread across India now. We started with the vision to expand brand globally. We bring on board the highest quality Teas & Herbs from India.

1 %
CHF 265
8 backers
Hilfe für hungernde Kühe



Gesucht wird Hilfe für die hungernden und verdurstenden heimatlosen Strassenkühe in Indien. Es soll ein Verein gegründet werden, um erste (Schutz-)Bauten zu bauen und um sie noch am Leben zu halten.

0 %
0 backers
Didi Contractor

Film and Architecture


Didi Contractor

by individuofilm

A documentary about the life and work of the Architect Didi Contractor, who at the age of 85, is building sculpture-like houses from earth, bamboo, slate and river stone in North India.

107 %
CHF 10’731
55 backers
Leuchtende Kinderaugen

Kids / Youth and Education

Singhan Wala

Leuchtende Kinderaugen

by Menschlichkeit

Dank Eurer Spenden können wir die jährl. Ausl. f. Nahrung an 38 Taglöhnerfam. 5000.-, sowie die Renovations- & Reparaturkosten der WCs & Spielgeräte finanz..
So garantierst Du leuchtende Kinderaugen.

0 %
CHF 20
1 backer
Un bus pour le Ladakh

Community and Kids / Youth

Leh and Geneva

450 enfants de l'école Siddhartha attendent ce nouveau bus avec impatience afin de pouvoir rejoindre leur école en toute sécurité. Aidez-nous à exaucer leurs prières!

0 %
0 backers
Clean up Ladakh

Community, tourism, and Environment


Clean up Ladakh

by Support_Ladakh

Because of Covid-19 there are no tourists in Ladakh . That's why female trekking guides are planning to do a clean-up event in the Markah valley and in basecamps which help the women to get an income.

123 %
CHF 5’548
47 backers
Sicheres Trinkwasser

Kids / Youth and Education


Die Shree Dudhe Schule befindet sich im Westen Nepals und bietet 180 Schüler/innen einen Bildungsort. Die Schule hat kein Wasser wodurch es an Hygiene und Beständigkeit bei den Schulbesuchen mangelt.