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I believe Coromandel is one of the most pivotal examples of contextually appropriate architecture, landscape architecture and their relationship ever created. It was the foundation stone of my post graduate studies in Architecture at UCT many years ago. It’s a landmark and must be protected, used to educate
drew am 10.5.2021 21:15
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Thank you Christiaan! What wonderful encouragement and your support means so much
Edna am 17.4.2021 01:01
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Any project done with such obvious passion is more than worth supporting!
Christiaan le Roux am 14.4.2021 21:59
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Thank you Henning for such a humbling comment. Your encouragement is a boost to the cause for the Forgotten and Quiet to become Remembered and Valued.
Edna am 13.4.2021 11:25
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Taking the Forgotten and the Quiet and revealing it to the world is always a worthwhile endeavor in a time where only the Loud and the Current grab our attention.
Henning Rasmuss am 13.4.2021 07:55
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Thank you Brian! Your support means so much. Excited to share this gem with the world
Edna am 8.4.2021 01:39
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Your chance to support SA architecture and built environment heritage.
Brian Kent McKechnie am 7.4.2021 23:13
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Thank you Mónica...this is now your story too! Thank you for your support and encouragement.
Edna am 7.4.2021 09:36
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