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Enthusiasm needs enthusiastic support!
A.S. am 10.4.2024 21:44
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I wish you all the best! A Musica faz bem a alma!
Mariana Lança am 9.4.2024 21:20
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Je suis né au Brésil en 1973
Vivian Crettol am 9.4.2024 19:32
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Art makes our life better. Great artists should have the support from the whole society.
Valsqueiroz am 7.4.2024 20:59
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Helge Fahrnberger am 7.4.2024 18:39
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Muitas felicidades e vida longa pra essa família especial🎶🎶🎶
Roberto Taufic am 5.4.2024 08:01
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Thank you, dear friends! All your beautiful energy makes us believe we are on the right path! Big hug with all the affection, Familia Padua.
Familia Padua am 1.4.2024 22:28
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Fámilia Pádua and their friends are among the most important and interesting musicians working in Vienna today. I wish them all the best for the Saudação project!
Christopher Barber am 30.3.2024 16:30
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