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Sebastian and the alpha Racing team supported the book project since it’s very first hour. Sebastian provided me with contacts, with inputs and ideas, he was always there for all my questions and together with BMW Motorrad, he invited me to the 24heures de Moto in Le Mans.
But then, something really extraordinary happened:
Out of the blue, I received a mail saying: «Suse, the money we collected with this year’s alpha Racing tire exchange action is yours! We will sponsor the Bikeberufene project with 1500 EUR !!!»
It took me a long time to realise that this really happend !
It’s such a wonderful sign. It’s not just the money, it’s that a whole team really believes in the project and it’s value for the motorcycle sector.
Taking Anne’s legacy to the next level.
Thank you Sebastian, thank you alpha Racing team!
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Chantal, the Bikeberufene graphic designer, created the Bikeberufene Logo which we will be using for communication, merchandising and of course also for the book!
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As a first step after completing the crowdfunding, I was able to attend the 24 Hours of Le Mans last weekend. Invited by alpha Racing / BMW and with the incredible hospitality and openness of the Bolliger Team Switzerland, I was able to follow the race live in the paddock and directly from the Bolliger’s pit.
Qualifying, pit stop practice, the famous Le Mans start and the various phases of the actual race - I was able to experience all of this close up. And it gives even a laywoman goosebumps to see how the drivers are supported by the team, how the team works together with 100 % precision and how everything has to happen within seconds.
As a small thank you, I cooked the Vaudois «national dish» Papet vaudois on site together with the kitchen crew for the Team Bolliger, using the original swiss ingredients «smuggled» in my suitcase. (It was only thanks to the compassion of the french security men at the entrance that the original bottles of Swiss Chasselas also ended up at their destination.)
As always in the Bikeberufene project, somehow everything went well and the Team Bolliger finished in an incredible 7th place as a purely private team! With their spirit and professionalism, they have been challening the factory teams for decades and are on top of that cool enough to accept spectators like me in the pits.
Finally, this very rich weekend allowed me to better understand and feel the world of the women I interview in all its facets. You can’t read about it or ask about it, you have to experience it. And that was possible thanks to the crowdfunding!
Finally, it was also quite an emotional and special moment to be able to meet Markus Reiterberger. A true professional of international calibre, whose Bavarian dialect is very down to earth in the global racing circus.
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Das Schweizer Fachmagazin moto.ch hat soeben den ersten Artikel über das Projekt publiziert!
The motorcycle online magazin moto.ch just publsihed the first article about the project!
Le magazine suisse moto.ch vient de publier le premier article sur le projet !
LINK: https://www.moto.ch/projekt-bikeberufene-frauen-in-der-rennsport-technik/
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Das Video der Präsentation vom MotoFestival ist online. In 20 Minuten habt ihr das Projekt im Detail kennengelernt!
The video of the presentation at the MotoFestival Bern is online. Within 20 minutes you will get to know the project in detail - if you understand German :)
La vidéo de la présentation au MotoFestival Berne est en ligne. En 20 minutes tu apprendras tous sur le projet - su tu comprends l’allemand :)
-> LINK: https://my.hidrive.com/lnk/QoLRv6ALs (no need to download, you can watch the video in your browser)
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This evening (February 27th, 6 pm) I have the chance to present the project briefly at a well-known radio station in western Switzerland - Rouge FM.
Ce soir (27 février, 18h00), j’ai la possibilité de présenter le projet à la radio Rouge FM, assez connue en Romandie.
Heute Abend (27.02. 18h) darf ich das Projekt im Radio bei Rouge FM, einem bekannten westschweizer Radiosender präsentieren.
tune in - www.rouge.ch https://podcast.ausha.co/16h-19h-le-rezo/le-coup-de-projecteur-motovocationnes-du-27-02-24