What the hell is Cold Brew?
Have you ever asked yourself why coffee doesn’t taste as good as the beans smell? Cold Brew is the answer. Neither bitter nor sour: Cold Brew is smoother, more tasty and even healthier than its well known hot siblings like espresso and filter coffee.
For the brewing you only need three things: good water, very good coffee and a lot of patience. We don’t scald the coffee in a brutal shock treatment with hot water. We use a gentle and slow extraction of the natural aromas instead. And in fact, coffee has even more natural aromas than a good red wine! A cold water extraction like this can take up to 24 hours. But it is definitely worth it.
Who are you?
Marie and Michael: We’ve always loved coffee, but we really lost our hearts on our first journey to Ethiopia – our honeymoon.
Shortly after coming back, we quit our jobs (Marie was a journalist and Michael an Africa expert) and to found our social startup Direct Coffee. We went back to Ethiopia, found the best coffee in the world and imported it directly from the cooperative to Switzerland. Since then we’re selling coffee. Our new baby is called Cold Brew.
What’s your motivation?
Our common passion is to find out where the products we consume on a daily basis come from. That’s why we founded Direct Coffee and why we want to share our insights with you via our website, facebook & blog. As an example: For our coffee beans, we show you in detail what the money will be used for.
Even though Ethiopia is far away from Switzerland, we want to build a connection between you and the families that grow your coffee. To have an even longer lasting positive effect on the community, you support one child with each bottle with a deworming treatment. That sounds a bit weird, but it is one of the most efficient ways to support development: Because the children can go to school without bellyache.

What do you want from me?
We are looking for Cold Brew pioneers. There are already a lot of them in the US – and we believe that a lot of people in the deep valleys, at the fast rivers and the beautiful lakes of Switzerland are waiting for Cold Brew. With this campaign, you can show that you exist! And we hope that this will make it easy for us to find partners for the distribution.
At the moment, we’re brewing the Cold Brew in our kitchen in Kreis 4 in Zurich. But if our dreams come true, our small one-room apartment will soon be too small for the production site. We also need a bit of money to buy all the brewing containers, funnels, filters, bottles and lables, that we need for the first phase of growth. So please support us and share!
Last but not least: We want you to enjoy your Cold Brew… Cheers!