Help Radio Gwendalyn to become everybody’s radio: a year of radio programs committed to local culture, alternative music, minorities and ethnic groups.

CHF 33’950

113% of CHF 30’000

113 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

278 backers

Successfully concluded on 1/7/2016

Help Radio Gwendalyn so that she becomes everybody’s radio!

The Swiss Federal Office of Communications doesn’t financially sustain an independent non-commercial cultural radio in Ticino, Italian-speaking part of Switzerland. However this kind of help is given to radios in other Swiss cantons. Nevertheless we have worked hard without funds for 8 years:

We have achieved a lot but we would love to do more and do it better!

It has become impossible for us to sustain the radio costs: quality and the radio programs are affected making us incapable to fulfill all the requests we receive.

We have been denied to transmit in FM and the costs for the DAB+ signal is far too high: but the DAB+ technology for smaller radios is being implemented also in our region and soon it will be possible to access it (discover more about DAB+). A great occasion for Radio Gwendalyn to become the alternative radio in Ticino!

  • 2008. Our old studio near MurrayField Pub, Chiasso. It was in a garage!
    2008. Our old studio near MurrayField Pub, Chiasso. It was in a garage!
  • 2016. Our new studio in Via Livio 16, Chiasso. Constructed with donated material.
    2016. Our new studio in Via Livio 16, Chiasso. Constructed with donated material.
  • 2016. Our new studio in Via Livio 16, Chiasso. Constructed with donated material.
    2016. Our new studio in Via Livio 16, Chiasso. Constructed with donated material.

This is why we need your help.

  • To promote more independent culture
  • To sustain the small local bands
  • To give minorities and marginalised a voice
  • To make sure everybody gets to listen to alternative and niche music
  • To give analyzed and broader selected information
  • To speak about a more equal and eco-sustainable world

Yes, what we are asking sounds like a lot. But let’s look at the other radios: the two commercial radios receive 1.5 million Swiss Francs from the Swiss Confederation and the State radios cost altogether 29 million Swiss Francs. We think our amount is reasonable.

With your precious help we can create a breach in Ticino and sustain a year of independent radio:

  • Program costs (refunds and editing fees)
  • Our studio rent
  • Author’s fees
  • New professional audio material

Please help us become an alternative radio voice for everybody, made by the people, free and professional. The amount we ask will help us jump onto the digital platform and live for many more years!

For more information on our specific goals and activities, click HERE!

Hail Radio!

  • 2015. Nettune – student radio network. Here one of the workshops with the students.
    2015. Nettune – student radio network. Here one of the workshops with the students.
  • 2016. I ragazzi di The Garden – Reggae Program
    2016. I ragazzi di The Garden – Reggae Program

Il costo di una radio

La cifra che chiediamo è alta, ma se pensiamo che le radio commerciali del nostro territorio ricevono più di 1 milione e mezzo di CHF dalla Confederazione (fonte: BAKOM) e le radio statali insieme costano 29 milioni di CHF (Fonte: RSI), crediamo che la nostra richiesta sia ragionevole.

Con il tuo prezioso aiuto potremo sostenere i vari costi di un anno di radio:

  • Spese di programmazione (rimborsi spese e editing)
  • Affitto dello studio radiofonico
  • Diritti d’autore
  • nuovo materiale audio professionale

La tua nuova radio ticinese

Aiutaci a diventare una voce radiofonica alternativa e per tutti, fatta dalla gente, libera e professionale. La cifra aiuterà Radio Gwendalyn a lanciarsi nel digitale e vivere negli anni a venire!

Per avere maggiori informazioni sui nostri obiettivi a lungo termine cliccate QUI.

Viva la radio!