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903successful projects close to Ísafjörður in art

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Arctic'stique expedition ⛵️

Design, art, and Environment


An artistic residency of 4 weeks on board the Knut, a 15-meter sailboat equipped for arctic expeditions. We will face the fare north, discover the East Coast of Greenland and make art.

136 %
CHF 10’942
107 backers
Eco-polar expedition boat

Art, Sport, and Environment

Fribourg, Longyearbyen, and Nuuk

Eco-polar expedition boat

by MaréMotrice and Mélina & Ben

Non-profit organisation MaréMotrice is going to install an electric engine in its boat. All electricity needed by the new engine will be produced on board, emission free.

118 %
CHF 29’578
120 backers
Grand Nord

Comics, art, and Environment


Grand Nord

by Frédéric Roussel

Un Roman Graphique dans l'Arctique

101 %
CHF 3’035
40 backers
polar artist residency

Art and Environment


This summer we'll embark for one month on a sailing boat for an onborad artist residency around the Svalbard islands.

101 %
CHF 12’155
51 backers
Résidence Polaire

Science, Music, and Art


Résidence Polaire

by prosperthon

Au printemps 2017, nous embarquerons à bord du Knut, voilier de 15 mètres de l’association Marémotrice, pour une résidence d’artiste de 1 mois dans l’archipel du Spitzberg.

106 %
CHF 8’530
52 backers
Drawing on Spitsbergen



Since 2015 I have been drawing a series of «Unknown Icebergs». Now I am going to Spitsbergen to gather first-hand impressions and images of glaciers, ice and icebergs.

130 %
EUR 6’378
50 backers
The Glacier's Essence

Science, Publishing, and Art

Grönland and Glarus

The Glacier's Essence

by Martin Stützle

Wir erzählen in diesem Buch mit Fotografien und Kupferstichen Geschichten von Gletschern und Menschen in Grönland und der Schweiz. Texte von Klimaforschenden ergänzen die eindringlichen Bilder.

113 %
CHF 34’070
140 backers
Zine Project David Jenewein

Photography, Publishing, and Art

Vienna, London, and Innsbruck

This zine project is my latest work, showing a trip to Thailand to visit an old friend. The zine consists of portraits, documentary and street photography over 70 pages.

104 %
EUR 15’683
28 backers
Art on the bank of the Rhine


Basel and London

Art on the bank of the Rhine

by Felix Baudenbacher

During this year’s ART Basel I will transform a summer bar on the bank of the Rhine into an oversized painting-sculpture for the enjoyment of the guests and the general public.

112 %
CHF 5’050
41 backers
The Medtner Project

Music, Performing arts, and Art

Amsterdam, Berlin, and Vienna

The Medtner Project

by Medtner Project and Elevental

Giving an International stage to the world of Nikolai Medtners vocal works based on the unique recordings made by Ekaterina Levental and Frank Peters.

103 %
EUR 6’210
41 backers
Creation of a circus show

Performing arts and Art


We are a new circus company of four swiss artists and we are creating a show to perform on street festivals.

165 %
CHF 7’265
36 backers
Tskaltubo Hot Pots

Community and Art

Tskaltubo, Hamburg, and Basel

«Tskaltubo Hot Pots» baut DREI TISCHE: Kochen, Essen, Zeichnen. Der emotionale Faktor des gemeinsamen Zubereitens und Essens in Sprache und Bild sind die Basis des Kunst-Projektes in Georgien.