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548successful projects close to Turin in education

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Turin. But this may be of interest to you.
Das schönste Gestein

Science, Publishing, and Education

Saas Fee

Das schönste Gestein

by Jürg Meyer

Hilfst Du mit, mein Buchprojekt DAS SCHÖNSTE GESTEIN DER WELT - DER ALLALINGABBRO zu realisien? Ein Schau- und Lesebuch für Naturliebhabende, Bergfans und an Gesteinen interessierte Menschen.

113 %
CHF 22’758
95 backers
Moonily: Couture & Upcycling

Fashion, Community, and Education


En 2023, j’ai obtenu un local commercial pour développer mon rêve: un concept d’atelier-boutique mêlant art, couture et upcycling. Mais ce local nécessite des travaux et un réaménagement complet.

100 %
CHF 25’005
313 backers

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Geneva, Martigny, and Nyon


by Mathilde Rey and Shawna Pfeifflé

Projet de Nutrition Mère-Enfant

103 %
CHF 6’220
54 backers
Naturopathe pour animaux

Community and Education


Je souhaite entreprendre une formation de naturopathe pour animaux et ainsi réaliser mon rêve en ouvrant mon propre cabinet.

100 %
CHF 5’000
18 backers
Brasilien - Land des Waldes

Community, Environment, and Education

Les Agettes

Brasilien - Land des Waldes

by Patrick Bonfils

Was ist die Zukunft des Waldes in Brasilien? Im Rahmen einer Vortragsreihe wird der ökonomische und soziale Druck auf das grösste Tropenwaldvorkommen unseres Planeten vorgestellt und diskutiert.

102 %
CHF 4’000
20 backers

Food, Environment, and Education

Yverdon-les-Bains, Geneva, and Sion


by Vicca de Wundercake

Wundercake propose de délicieuses pâtisseries élaborées à partir de produits de qualité, bio, sains, éthiques et locaux. A retrouver sur les marchés, en commande sur le site ou durant un atelier!

132 %
CHF 3’980
41 backers
Comics Mountain – Double

Community, Comics, and Education


Comics Mountain – Double

by Sabrina_duc, Geraldine Savioz, and Oceane_Theytaz

Nous sommes des étudiantes de la HES-SO Valais de la filière Business Team Academy. Notre objectif est de créer des bandes dessinées qui traitent des sujets peu abordés dans la société.

107 %
CHF 3’775
26 backers
HÄSCH LUST... druber z'rädu?

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Let's talk about (sex) intimacy! Reden wir von Intimität!
Eine Diskussion für die Sozialpädagog.inn.en über die Bedürfnisse nach Intimität von den Jugendlichen in Wohnheimen.

101 %
CHF 1’520
12 backers

Kids / Youth, Technology, and Education

Zürich, Lugano, and Lausanne


by GirlsCodeToo

GirlsCodeToo aims to foster and nurture the curiosity, skills, and creativity of girls. We teach tech skills that help them make career and educational decisions for their future! Wanna get involved?

101 %
CHF 20’358
164 backers
Ramen autentici in Ticino

Food and Education


Aiutatemi a realizzare il sogno di una vita...Andare in Giappone per il mio compleanno a perfezionare dai veri maestri del Ramen la tecnica perfetta, da riportare e condividere in Ticino al rientro

121 %
CHF 2’435
53 backers
Il Tragitto

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Il Tragitto

by Il Tragitto

Il centro di socializzazione Il Tragitto si sposta in nuovi locali a Besso, Lugano: aiutateci a consolidare le nostre attività, a crearne di nuove e ad affermarci al meglio nella nostra nuova sede.

101 %
CHF 16’387
115 backers
Ecole de vitrail

Design, art, and Education


Ecole de vitrail

by Ecole Suisse de Vitrail et Création

The Swiss School of Stained Glass will celebrate its 40th anniversary next year. However, today it is facing major challenges, it’s future being threatened by the sale of the building that houses it.